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PoliticsNation, Monday, October 27th, 2014

Read the transcript from the Monday show

October 27, 2014

Guest: Eileen Farnon, Ted Strickland, Dana Milbank, Jess McIntosh, Ken
Gude, Chuck Nice, Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani

"POLITICS NATION" with Reverend Al Sharpton starts right now.

Good evening, Rev.

REV. AL SHARPTON, MSNBC ANCHOR: Good evening, Ed. And thanks to you for
tuning in.

Tonight`s lead, playing politics with Ebola. Today, Governor Chris
Christie is under fire for the debacle of his decision to quarantine a
health care worker back from Africa. This afternoon, Kaci Hickox was
finally released from that isolation tent in New York, New Jersey. But
Governor Chris Christie today stood by the decision to quarantine, as he
was besieged by reporters.


GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (R), NEW JERSEY: She needs to understand that the
obligation of the elected officials is to protect the public health of all
the people. And if that inconvenienced her for a period of time, that`s
what we need t do to the protect the public.


SHARPTON: Governor Christie also saying today he has no plans to actually
talk to her about why he decided to lock her up.





SHARPTON: He has no reason to talk to her? She was merely inconvenienced?
Here`s why he should talk to Kaci Hickox. Three nights locked in a small
tent without a flushable toilet, getting food through a plastic window, in
a manner she says made her feel like a, quote, "criminal." She`s a hero,
fighting Ebola on the front lines, saving lives. But Governor Christie`s
focus has been on scoring political points, accusing the federal government
and the Obama administration of not doing enough. It turns out, Governor
Christie was the one getting isolated. As critics pounced on his poor
logic, and as the criticism has mounted, Christie kept citing one reason
above all for the quarantine. He kept saying Miss Hickox had a fever.


CHRISTIE: When I got this morning, she still had a fever and she is being
tested for other illnesses after the Ebola test game back negative.

The reason she went to the hospital in the first place, she was running a
fever and was symptomatic.


SHARPTON: Kaci Hickox disputes that claim, saying she didn`t have a fever.
And you`ll never guess who agrees with her.

Listen to what Governor Christie himself said Friday night before the
controversy erupted.


CHRISTIE: Today a traveler arrived at the Newark international airport.
It was a health care worker with a recent history of treating patients with
Ebola in West Africa, but with no symptoms.


SHARPTON: So she didn`t have symptoms. Then why did he decide to put her
in that tent? Americans need straight answers from government leaders, not
political posturing. And the health care workers returning from Africa
deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

Joining me now, a former Ohio governor Ted Strickland. He is now president
of the center for American Progress Action Fund. And Dr. Eileen Farnon, an
infectious disease specialist at Temple University. She recently returned
from Liberia, consulting with the world health organization. Thank you
both for being here.

you for having me.


SHARPTON: Governor Strickland, first no symptoms, then symptoms. I mean,
isn`t this why we don`t want Dr. Christie in charge of public health?

STRICKLAND: Reverend Al, this is an example of Chris Christie being Chris
Christie. We all know he`s a verbal bully. And he`s doing this, I think,
to try to reestablish himself as a strong decisive leader. And the fact
that he bragged that before he imposed this quarantine, he didn`t even
bother to consult with the White House. This is another example of a man
who has been discredited in the eyes of the public through his Bridgegate
episode, lost favor, trying to rebuild his image. And he`s going back to
that same bullying, Braga Dosha (ph) kind of behavior that we saw from him
a few months ago.

But I think the people will understand that this is a public health matter.
We need to listen to the public health experts. And the last thing we need
to do is to allow Chris Christie to embellish his leadership credentials by
interjecting himself into a matter that is a medical public health matter.

SHARPTON: Now, you know, we are not at all minimizing that people are
concerned and there`s fear out there and understandably so. But we need to
have rational, responsible leadership on this, doctor. And I just want to
say, we just received good news that the 5-year-old they were testing here
in New York, has come back negative for Ebola. And I`m very glad that he
has been found, again, negative in terms of any signs of Ebola.

But I want to ask you this, Doc, CDC just issued new monitoring guidelines
for travelers from West Africa.

FARNON: Right.

SHARPTON: It says high-risk travelers should receive health monitoring and
voluntary isolation. People at some risk, including most health care
workers should be monitored. And those at low-risk should self-monitor.
What`s your assessment of these guidelines?

FARNON: That`s right. I think these guidelines are extremely reasonable.
And this is the kind of guidance that governors should be consulting. They
should be consulting the public health experts before making such drastic
decisions on -- such as a blanket quarantine.

Quarantine is a very important measure when applied reasonably. And for
people with a high-risk exposure, for instance, a needle stick injury, or
someone who was taking care of a family member and may not have been
wearing protective gear, and returns to the U.S., they`re extremely high-
risk for infection. But the general public and health care providers who
provide care wearing appropriate protective gear, are at low-risk of
developing infection. And certainly anyone who is asymptomatic, who
doesn`t have fever or any other symptoms of Ebola presents no risk of
transmitting the infection to the general public.

SHARPTON: How do you feel about the treatment of the nurse that was just
let out of the tent, what she had said about her treatment, doc?

FARNON: I think it`s unfortunate. I think, again, it was a decision that
was being discussed at the time at high levels, and unfortunately she
arrived at a time when the decision was still under discussion, and there
was a hurried decision made.

I think, again, quarantine for very high-risk individuals, who`ve had a
definite exposure, may be indicated in some cases. But it should be done
in a well thought out manner and people should be allowed to remain at home
or in a facility.

SHARPTON: Well thought out manner. Governor Christie used it to get very
political. He became very critical of the Obama administration, saying
they weren`t doing enough, which is why he had to. Listen to this and give
me your reaction.


CHRISTIE: So I`m telling you, guys, this is going to become a national
policy eventually. Eventually, the CDC will come around. Remember, they
were late to the game in Texas, and we had people infected because of it.


SHARPTON: Your reaction? He had to because the administration in
Washington wasn`t doing anything. So Chris Christie had to come and show
the way. And they all are going to copy him eventually.

STRICKLAND: Reverend Al, I don`t want to be unfair, but I return to what I
said earlier. I think this is Chris Christie being Chris Christie. He
thinks being boisterous, being, you know, speaking forcefully is a sign of

But, you know, what we really need in a situation like this is very
careful, thoughtful decision-making. And this is a serious matter and
that`s all the more reason why we should take politics out of it and we
should listen to the experts who know more than politicians, and we should
then follow their advice and do everything we can within the scientific
community to protect the people of this country.

And, so, politics should have no place in a public health issue like this.
And you know, people say, well, I`m not a doctor. Well, that`s all the
more reason why we should listen to these doctors because they have
specialized knowledge. This matter has been studied. And they`re coming
forth with guidelines. We ought to follow them. And if we do that, I
think the American people can be assured that we`re being protected.

SHARPTON: Let me ask you this, doctor, before I run out of time. You were
in Liberia. Tell us what you saw. Share with us what you saw in Liberia.

FARNON: Sure. What I saw was an outbreak that`s really becoming out of
control. There is live spread transmission in the community in Liberia.
There are people who cannot be admitted to the hospital because there
simply aren`t enough hospital beds. And that`s really the main stay of how
to control an Ebola outbreak. You have to be able to identify potential
cases and isolate them from the rest of the community, so that transmission
can be stopped.

So in the meantime, the U.S. DOD is helping to build 17 new Ebola treatment
units, in addition to other organizations. And we need to be encouraging
clinicians to respond to this outbreak and not imposing any obstacles to
their participation.

SHARPTON: And if the world had jumped on this sooner, in those three
nations, we might not have had the crisis that we are having in terms of at
least the fear in the United States, and those that went over are heroes
and ought not be treated anything less than that.

Governor Strickland and Dr. Farnon, thank you both for your time tonight.

FARNON: Thank you very much.

SHARPTON: Coming up, why is George W. Bush so desperate to have his
brother run for president? Does he want another Bush to try and redeem his

Plus, we`ll tell you what hot lava has to do with the 2014 midterms, now
just eight days away.

Also crossing the line this Halloween. Why would anyone wear a sexy hazmat
suit costume? What about a Ray Rice costume, complete with a blowup doll?
It`s in tonight`s "conversation nation."


SHARPTON: "Politicsnation," now we have a way for you to keep up with us,
even when we`re not on the air, our "Politicsnation" newsletter. We send
you the stories we know you care about. And sign-up is easy. Just go to and enter your email address. And one of those
stories is an update on some very tight midterm elections races with just
eight days to go until the election. We`ll have that right after the


SHARPTON: Countdown to the midterm elections, eight days to go. Election
day is just over a week away. And there`s no excuse not to vote. Think
you got problems getting to the ballot box?

In Hawaii they`re dealing with volcanic lava. Election officials are now
actively prepping, preparing backup plans in case lava flow disrupts the


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: Overnight, red hot lava inched even closer
to the Taylors` neighborhood. For weeks, they`ve been bracing for the
inevitable. The boiling lava is melting asphalt and earth heading straight
towards the remote town of Pahoa. The flow`s leading edge less than half a
mile from one of the main roads.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s real. It`s now or never. You know, you back
and you got to get out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: Waiting and watching, knowing time is
running out.


SHARPTON: That is a true emergency. So unless you`ve got lava pouring
down your driveway, get out and vote, because this election is too close to
stay at home.

New NBC polls show the race within the margin of error in five key races.
States that will determine who holds the Senate. It`s a dead heat. And
Democrats are now trying to make sure voters know just how extreme these
Republican candidates really are.

Here`s the ad that Democrats are running against Joni Ernst in Iowa.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They talk about relying on Social Security and Joni
Ernst talks about privatizing it.

JONI ERNST (R), IOWA SENATE CANDIDATE: Yes, I have talked about
privatizing Social Security.


SHARPTON: She`s talked about privatizing Social Security. You know who
else just talked about it last week? Mitch McConnell.


SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY), MINORITY LEADER: After Bush was re-elected in
2004, he wanted us to try to fix Social Security. I spent a year trying to
get any Democrat in the Senate, even the most reasonable one of all, even
Joe Lieberman, to help us.


SHARPTON: Excuse me? Bush wanted to fix Social Security? His plan was to
privatize Social Security and McConnell is now bragging about it. Whether
it`s the safety net, or women`s health or minimum wage, Republicans in this
election are more extreme than ever. And that`s the agenda they want to
bring to the U.S. Senate.

Joining me now is Jess McIntosh from Emily`s List and "the Washington Post"
Dana Milbank. Thank you both for being here.


JESS MCINTOSH, EMILY`S LIST: Great to be here, Rev.

SHARPTON: Jess, I thought this was supposed to be the year Republicans
rode an anti-Obamacare wave to victory. So why are so many races still so

MCINTOSH: Well, it`s amazing that Democrats are playing at all in 2014
with this map. I mean, the states that they were looking at are not ones
that are traditionally good ones for Democrats. We are talking about
Kentucky, and Georgia, and Arkansas, and Alaska.

But Obamacare is just not a terribly salient issue this year, when it seems
to be working fairly well. Unfortunately, Republicans have zero fallback
plan. Once they`re done attacking the president, they`re done talking,
full stop. There`s no, so elect me to the Senate so that I can do x, y,
and z for American families.

They used to talk about lowering taxes or the deficit, or there was a sort
of Republican hot fudge of things that at probably wouldn`t do what they
dais they are going to, but least sounded good. They`re not even trying on
that this year. This is their map and their cycle, and they are running on
essentially nothing.

SHARPTON: Dana, you know, in a debate last night, the GOP Senate candidate
in Georgia, David Perdue, he made some very revealing comments. Listen.


presidency, you have to prosecute t because we deserve better than we`re
getting right now. You know, the problem is, when we look at the direction
of this country, we`ve got to make a hard right-hand turn.


SHARPTON: A hard right-hand turn? Prosecute the presidency? I mean, do
Republicans view this as an election or a trial?

MILBANK: Or maybe he thought they should persecute the president, which is
what they`ve been doing for the last six years now. That was sort of
inadvertently revealing. Although it should be said, remember, the house
Republicans were going to sue the president over Obamacare. Seems they
forgot about it. They never actually filed the lawsuit.

And Jess is right, it`s -- the election has become, not necessarily about
no issues, but it`s just about, you know, just throw the whole kitchen sink
in there and of all things now, some people are trying to make this midterm
election of 2014 about Ebola. And that makes about as much sense as lava
running uphill in Hawaii.

SHARPTON: Well, let me ask you this, Jess. Republicans seem to be
desperately trying to change their message on issues like women`s health

MCINTOSH: They sure do.

SHARPTON: You know, the anti-women`s policies of the last few years.
Check out this ad from Mitch McConnell aimed at his opponent, Alison
Lundergan Grimes.


CAROLINE ANDEREGG: Alison Lundergan Grimes wants me to think that I`m not
good enough.

ALLISON PAWLEY: That I couldn`t get a job unless Washington passed more

DALLAS KNIERMAN: She wants me to believe that strong women and strong
values are incompatible.


SHARPTON: I mean, do Republicans think that voters, particularly women
voters have amnesia?

MCINTOSH: I mean, clearly they must. Also, I think that the kinds of ads
that they are running on women`s issues, like the one you just played,
there are ads sprinkled around across the country, where they`re coming out
and saying they`re in favor of equal pay for equal work, and neglecting the
mention that they voted against it.

You got Scott Walker trying to say that he would ultimately leave the
decision up to a woman and her doctor which if anybody knows Scott Walker,
knows that he didn`t hold that position in high school, much less as

They`re on the defensive about women`s issues. We are seeing historic
gender gaps. That`s what happened in 2012. And in 2014, we have seen 20
and 30-point gender gaps showed up in polls. Their party isn`t sustainable
if they continue alienating 51 percent of the population. But they won`t
change their policies, so they`re trying really hard to obfuscate by
changing their message. And I don`t think it`s going to work in the last
eight days of an election.

SHARPTON: Dana, I want to go back to something you alluded to because
"Politico" reports that despite Republican hype the house still hasn`t
actually filed the lawsuit against President Obama that they announced four
months ago.

Since you brought up the lawsuit, I wanted to go back to that. "Politico"
says that, quote, "some lawyers close to the process attribute the delay to
electoral politics, suggesting that Republicans were worried it could rile
up the democratic base."

I mean, Republicans said, we`re facing a constitutional crisis. But now
they`re skipping this lawsuit because they think it could backfire, Dana.

MILBANK: Right. Well, this was all cooked up at a time they thought
Obamacare was going to be the big issue. Now, it`s sort of died as an
issue and it`s being swept under the rug. The other thing that has changed
here is this was done at a time when everybody was calling Obama a tyrant
and lawless and ignoring the constitution. And in the last few days, the
Republican critique has been he`s been so week on Ebola and ineffective,
and just this a terribly weak leader. So I don`t know whether he`s, in
fact, this crushing dictator, or a weak leader.

But the whole idea of it just changing situationally to get them through
the 2014 midterms, which, let`s face it, looked quite good for the
Republicans. But they are also going to say this in suspended animation,
because when you look at the larger electoral picture you see two years
later, the whole situation gets flipped on its head.

MCINTOSH: That`s true.

SHARPTON: Jess McIntosh, Dana Milbank, thank you both for your time

MILBANK: Thanks, Rev.

MCINTOSH: Thanks, Rev.

SHARPTON: Coming up, the New York hatchet attack sparked new questions
about lone-Wolf attacks. Today, we`re seeing tweets from an American
teenager who tried to join ISIS fighters in Syria.

Plus, is America ready for another Bush running for president?

And we have early contenders for worst costume idea. This is a kid in a
Ray Rice uniform with a doll or perhaps the sexy Ebola nurse wins this
year. "Conversation Nation" is coming up.


SHARPTON: In the GOP`s make-believe land of Oz, they claim the magical key
to economic success is cutting taxes for the rich, and getting government
out of the way. But for every oz, there`s a Kansas. also known as reality.
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback followed the yellow brick road into office,
promising tax cuts and thus, prosperity.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) legislature is an agenda focused on job
growth and prosperity for our people. Today`s legislation will create tens
of thousands of new jobs and help to make Kansas the best place in the
America to start and grow a small business.


SHARPTON: So how has Governor Brownback`s tax cut experiment worked out?
Terribly. And there`s new evidence to prove it.

Tax revenue is way down, $330 million less than expected. And that`s not
all. Kansas bond rating has been downgraded twice. And the poverty rate
has gone up every year Governor Brownback has been in office.

The theory failed. There`s proof, and it goes all the way back to the
original man behind the curtain, Ronald Reagan. Back in the `80s, he
signed huge tax cuts into law and exploded the budget deficit. It was $74
billion when he came into office and $155 billion when he left.

But Republicans just don`t get it. In fact, they want to bring the Kansas
experiment to the rest of the country. Mitch McConnell told Governor
Brownback, quote, "this is exactly the sort of thing we want to do here in
Washington but can`t, at least for now.

If only we could click our heels three times and wake up from this
Republican economic nightmare.

Did the GOP think we wouldn`t notice the economic theory is melting.


SHARPTON: Nice try, but we "Got You."


SHARPTON: Nice try but we got you.


SHARPTON: The recent terrorist attacks in Canada and New York are bringing
a spotlight to self-radicalization of so-called lone-wolf terrorists.
We`re learning the gunman who killed a soldier in Canada last week made a
video of himself that police say show he was driven by ideological and
political motives. He reportedly also had ties to Canadian jihadists who
shared his radical view of Islam. And here in New York, authorities are
calling Zale Thompson`s bloody hatchet attack on police, an act of terror.
He was visiting terrorist websites and looking at acts of violence online
right before he attacked.


WILLIAM BRATTON, NYPD COMMISSIONER: This issue, the self-radicalized, the
lone wolf, if you will, has grown to be one of increasing concern.

electronic forensic piece of this, that this is something he has been
thinking about for some time and thinking about with more intensity in
recent days.


SHARPTON: When it comes as we learn more about the three Colorado teens
stopped in Germany last week, trying to fight with ISIS in Syria. The
"Wall Street Journal" confirmed the 16-year-old twitter account today
before it was taken down. On September 11th, she tweeted. "May Allah`s
curse being upon the United States government and every lap dog regime
following in its footsteps. And slandering, mocking those who have gone
forth for the sake of Allah is a really cheap move." Then in a more recent
tweet, she wrote, "Those who have tortured the believing men and believing
women and then have not repented, will have the punishment of hell."


You`re looking for students, children, women, boys, who are disenfranchised
for whatever reason, who feel as though they don`t belong. And are very
much looking for a place where they might belong. And that`s what we think
happened here.


SHARPTON: So how are these home-grown terrorists getting recruited? And
how are we preparing to defend the homeland? Joining me now is Ken Gude,
senior fellow with the Center for American Progress. Ken, first of all,
thank you for being here.

Al. I appreciate it.

SHARPTON: The lone wolf attacks at home are a little different than the
girls going to Syria. But how are both recruited?

GUDE: Well, it certainly is the case that ISIS has been very skilled at
using the social media tools that are available to all of us to push out
its message to individuals who may be inclined to support their radical
view of Islamist theology. And because they have this focus on the
individual, they have been more successful than al Qaeda ever was, at
trying to inspire these individuals into going out and committing these
almost random acts of violence.

SHARPTON: Now, you know, it was very interesting to me, and disturbing, is
the 16-year-old who turned to join ISIS. That in July, this same young
lady was tweeting anti-ISIS statements. The "Wall Street Journal" reports
that on July 24th, she retweeted, quote, "ISIS wants to be taken seriously,
yet majority of their supporters insult, degrade, mock, or threaten our
deaths. No, this is not Islam." And she retweeted, "do not call a 16-
year-old child, girls, running away, a holy pilgrimage. My God, do you
people even care about your families?" But soon after this, people who
know the girl said she became distant. I mean, how does a child become
radicalized so quickly?

GUDE: As you said in the lead-in, you had a situation where this
particular girl, but it`s not limited to just this one individual,
something happened to trigger a kind of radicalization, a change in their -
- in the way that they see things. And this is not uncommon in young
people. Unfortunately now, there are predators out there who seek out
individuals like this, who specifically target them and try and push them
and draw them in to this type of terrorist violence. Now, I would draw a
distinction between what happened with these three girls and with others
who then travel or attempt to travel to Syria or Iraq and try to join ISIS
there. With what happened in New York last week, which just seems to be a
very isolated incident where the individual may have seen things online,
but was not a part of any network, was not receiving instructions or
training or anything like that. And that is the true lone wolf.

SHARPTON: And how do you stop? How do you even approach trying to stop
something like the lone-wolf attack in New York?

GUDE: Well, it`s very difficult. And I don`t mean to say that we should
be throwing up our hands and say that there`s nothing we can do. But we do
need to look at it with perspective. Of course, any individual act of
violence is a tragedy for the victims, and I feel very much for the victims
of this particular attack in New York. But there is a limited amount of
violence that any one individual can do. It`s the really organized,
systematic attacks that the government and our law enforcement agencies are
very well equipped to detect and prevent and disrupt. But individuals
attack are harder. The one thing however that we can certainly do is try
and keep the most dangerous weapons out of the hands of these individuals.
And it is just unbelievable to me, that as of now, people on the terrorism
watch list can buy any weapon in the United States that they want.

SHARPTON: Even right now?

GUDE: Even right now. And while we are growing concern about these new
lone-wolf terrorists, I think we should judge people`s seriousness on
whether they actually want to prevent this kind of violence by their
willingness to close that loophole. It`s just absolutely ludicrous to say
that lone-wolf terrorism is a problem, but you are not going to prevent
people on the terrorism watch list from buying guns.

SHARPTON: Ken Gude, thank you for your time this evening. I`m going to
leave it on that point.

GUDE: Thank you.

SHARPTON: Still ahead, the dynasty election. Are voters ready for a Bush-
Clinton match-up in 2016? New buzz tonight.

Also, file this one under bad ideas. A Ray Rice costume in black face.
And the sexy hazmat suit. "Conversation Nation" is next.


SHARPTON: We`re back now with "Conversation Nation."

Joining us tonight, MSNBC`s Krystal Ball, comedian Chuck Nice, and HuffPost
Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani. Thank you all for being here.

KRYSTAL BALL, MSNBC CO-HOST, "THE CYCLE": Thanks for having us.

CHUCK NICE, COMEDIAN: Thanks, Rev. Definitely.

SHARPTON: Is America ready for another Bush running for president? Jeb is
seriously thinking about it, according to his son.


UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Is your dad going to run for president?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I think he`s still assessing it.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Do you think it`s more than 50 percent or less than 50

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I think it`s more than likely that he`s giving this a
serious thought --

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: More than likely that he`ll run.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: -- that he`ll run.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: If you would have asked me a few years back, I would
have said it was less likely.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: So the family will be behind him a 100 percent?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: The family will be behind him 100 percent, if he decides
to do it.


SHARPTON: Jeb`s spokesperson saying today, he`s not yet made a decision on
running, but a decision could come late this year. And you know what that
means, we might see a Bush/Clinton rematch. Chuck, is this the fight we
want to see? Is America ready?

NICE: I feel like Don King right now.


That`s how great this fight would be. Of course, yes, I mean, who wouldn`t
want it? This is the political equivalent of thunder dome. And you know,
this is the like the mad max of politics right here. Bush versus Clinton.
You can`t get any better than this. Except the problem is that, Jeb is not
nearly as funny as George. That`s the only problem I have with him

BALL: So as a comedian --

NICE: As a comedian, I`m not as happy about Jeb. Because, you know, I
just don`t ever see Jeb looking into a camera and going, I`m the decider.
I`m sorry.

BALL: I view this a little bit differently.

SHARPTON: I`m still trying to get over him being the Don King of politics.


BALL: I look at this a little differently. I mean, we`re going to have a
retread of the same characters we`ve been seeing in political life for
decades now. That`s going to be the best that we can put forward? I
actually read the comments from George Peter a little bit differently
though. I don`t think he said, it`s hard to say whether he was saying, oh,
it`s more than likely that he`s thinking about running more than likely
that he`s thinking of running. I don`t think it`s quite as definitive.

SHARPTON: Well, I think a lot of people are reading into it what they

BALL: Yes.

SHARPTON: I think some in the chatter class in the media --

BALL: Is that us?


SHARPTON: I think they want that race.

thinking is, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when they told
Barbara Bush, listen Barbara, you got to tone it down a bit. Don`t keep
talking about the fact that he`s still undecided that it`s not a good idea.
Because apparently, she was the only one sort of saying, you know, we`ve
had enough, that say, everyone`s had enough of the bushes and I`m with
Barbara, quite frankly. Had enough.

SHARPTON: But how do you -- how do you Krystal, if you`re Clinton or Bush,
run against, well, we don`t want to go backwards when both of them
represent the past?

BALL: Yes. I think that`s the challenge for both of them. And I mean,
when you think that the name Bush, you still very much associate it with
George W., and frankly, I also think Jeb is going to have a problem getting
through the primary. It`s taking some position. It`s been a little clunky
in his book rollout, as Hillary has been a bit clunky in her initial
potential campaign rollout.

SHARPTON: Yes. Well, maybe that`s what they`re throwing out early. Drive
the money and try to whip the Tea Party in line. We`ll see. Let`s go on
to Rosie O`Donnell coming to the defense of model Chrissy Teigen. You
know, it started last week after the shooting in Canada. The model
tweeted, quote, active shooting in Canada, or as we call it in America,
Wednesday. Teigen faced major online backlash, even saying she was
quitting twitter. Rosie O`Donnell came to Teigen`s defense on the view and
continued her thoughts in a YouTube post.


UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: This is what she said. Active shooting in Canada, or
as we call it in America, Wednesday. That is a brilliant, succinct, one-
sentence thought that I completely agree with. It is so common place to
have shootings in America that it doesn`t even make the news anymore. And
then people started, you know, it`s not a joke. It`s a fact. And I`m like
Bravo, Chrissy, Teigen.


SHARPTON: Now Rosie is facing backlash. Caroline, do they have a point,

MODARRESSY-TEHRANI: You know, in terms of the backlash, I really think
that only the timing moment is any kind of point that they might have. I
think that perhaps it wasn`t the best timing. But look, this tweet
actually came out before the Washington shootings that we saw and we were
all been just so devastated by last week as well. So, you know, actually
no, I think she was holding up a mirror to a very serious issue. And the
fact that she received such hatred. As soon as she articulated but a lot
of people just say, hey, I`m sorry, if you don`t like it, that is America
today, that 2014, now what are you going to do about this?

NICE: I just think that we are so desensitized to gun violence in this
country, that we are mad about a person who is tweeting about it, as
opposed to being actually being mad at the gun violence? How crazy is

SHARPTON: Yes. It`s not like anyone`s refuting the fact that we have
become too complacent with this.

NICE: Right.

BALL: In Ottawa in 2013, do you know how many homicides there were in
Ottawa? Nine. In all of Iowa, in all of 2013. Now, I will say twitter is
not the best place to make a really thoughtful and nuanced point. It is a
challenging forum and I understand that the timing of it was difficult.
But the fact that we have an epidemic in this country of gun violence is
just a fact.

NICE: We don`t have a surgeon general right now.


SHARPTON: I think Chrissy got all of us talking and I think that`s a good
thing. I`m sorry for the backlash she got.

Now to a botched national anthem. Before last night`s World Series game,
Aaron Lewis, the lead singer of the band "Staind," let`s say he had a rough


SHARPTON: Of course the mocking game immediately it came. But a lot of it
was in the form of him being unpatriotic. Partly because many of his songs
are about patriotism. And he`s openly sings about the rattle snake flag
with a simple statement. That statement, the Tea Party don`t tread to me
slogan. And he has it tattooed on his neck. Krystal, the Tea Party hero
botches the anthem. I mean, does it get any worse?

BALL: You know, I was all ready to feel bad for this guy. Because if I
got up in front of the stadium and try to sing the national anthem, I`m not
sure how it would come out either. But then I looked back and he had
criticized Christina Aguilera for the same exact thing. So now I just have
to think it`s karma.


MODARRESSY-TEHRANI: Yes. I think he should get a new tattoo, karma is a


NICE: Actually, what am I going to say after that, Karma is --


I`m not even going to say my joke. That was better.


SHARPTON: Or you could get biblical and say, you reap what you sew.

BALL: There you go.

MODARRESSY-TEHRANI: Yes, there you go.

SHARPTON: I mean, but it is -- well, everybody stay with me. Because when
we come back, I`ve got something for you to comment on. The Ray Rice

BALL: Oh, no!

SHARPTON: Yes, it`s happening. That`s next.


SHARPTON: We`re back with our panel, Krystal, Chuck and Caroline. OK,
whatever you`re planning for Halloween, it better not be this. This is a
bad idea. It`s the photo lighting up the internet. It shows a man dressed
as Ray Rice carrying around a blowup doll that`s supposed to be his wife
Janay Palmer. And it followed this Ray Rice costume with a man in black
face, and a woman with a black eye. And here`s one showing a little kid`s
Ray Rice, he`s Ray Rice with a doll. Chuck, take this one, please. Worst
costume ever, Chuck?

NICE: It is the worst costume ever. And what is it about Halloween that
brings out in people this urge to be completely inappropriate and bigoted
at the same time.


NICE: It`s like how do I get my completely disregard for social politeness
and bigotry to come together in the perfect sandwich of offensiveness. And
that`s what Halloween has become. I liken it to when a little boy who
pulls a girl`s hair.


NICE: It`s like people who do the black face thing. It`s like, I want to
be black so bad, but my conditioning, my bigotry just won`t allow me to do
it in the appropriate manner. So, this is what happens.

SHARPTON: But I mean, Caroline, somebody knocks on your door, rings your
bell, with a doll dragging, having abuse woman in a black face, and they
want you to give them candy?

MODARRESSY-TEHRANI: You know, I would say, you know, this is Halloween and
things are supposed to be scary. And you`re absolutely right. Domestic
violence is really scary. But this isn`t the way to go about it actually.
If you really want to do something to address domestic violence issues, why
don`t you go and, you know, volunteer at a shelter or why don`t you go and
even read up about the issues, and then that way you would never even think
to dress up as Ray Rice for Halloween.

SHARPTON: That`s a good point. But Krystal, isn`t the danger that most of
the people that do trick or treating and the little kids and the kids
should not be made to feel that there`s something funny or comical about
domestic violence?

BALL: Absolutely right. I mean, the adults that were pictured are just
idiots and racists and heartless and thoughtless.

SHARPTON: Well, sort of like the sexy --

BALL: Ebola costume.

SHARPTON: Ebola costume.

BALL: It`s crazy, but the kid is disturbing, because this is something,
you know, an idea his parents had, and they thought it would be cute and
funny and clever. And it`s just, I mean, to me, that is just disturbing.
I mean, the Ebola nurse is also pretty disturbing. Folks, you don`t have
to be so funny on Halloween. It`s not funny.

NICE: It`s not funny.

BALL: And white people, please, no black face. It`s not a good idea.

SHARPTON: You know, whatever happens to just being a ghost or something.

NICE: Yes.

SHARPTON: I mean, well, we`ve got to go. Krystal, Chuck, Caroline, thank
you for your time tonight.

BALL: Thanks, Rev.


SHARPTON: Coming up, the heroes. Whatever you think of quarantine, the
brave men and women are heroes, and they deserve all of our support.
That`s next.


SHARPTON: Finally tonight. American heroes. Two brave volunteers who put
their own lives in danger to help save lives far from home. Nurse Hickox
is a 33-year-old emergency room nurse from Texas, who worked for the CDC
until recently. She spent years gaining experience all over the world so
she could volunteer for Doctors Without Borders. Craig Spencer is a 33-
year-old ER doctor from Detroit. He speaks French, a valuable skill to
help treat victims in Guinea. Both risked their lives overseas, and both
deserve better than what they got when they came back home. Whatever your
politics, and whatever you think of quarantine, that debate can be had.
But what is not debatable is their heroism and their bravery, and they
deserve all of our support. Some things beckon for us to rise above
politics and all of us should do that when genuine heroes put themselves in
a place of danger, to do something for humanity. They should at least be
treated with respect.

Thanks for watching. I`m Al Sharpton. "HARDBALL" starts right now.


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