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Countdown to 'Countdown'

Simultaneous 'Countdown' of the top news stories exclusively  at

Media under fire — What would foment more violence in this country and other Western nations? Some sort of Muslim group burning down a Bible publishing plant, killing all the employees?  Or the same group burning one copy of the Bible?  Our answer would almost unanimously be 'burning down the plant.'  Not in the Muslim World.  There, a report that the U.S. was investigating whether interrogators at Guantanamo Bay had flushed a copy of the Quran down a toilet, not only preceded rioting that claimed fifteen lives.  But it also led to strained international diplomacy, sharp words from the Pentagon and the White House about the reporting, and today, a retraction from the magazine that reported it — even though it wasn't the first publication to report it.  While the White House attributed Anti-American rioting in Afghanistan last week to the revelation, the U.S. military disagreed.  The violence caused at least 15 deaths, then spread throughout the Muslim world.  Newsweek .

Blair memo — At first glance, a from a secret British government meeting in the summer of 2002, contains explosive revelations.  At the very least, it suggests that the Bush administration saw the Iraq war as inevitable.  But that, because the justification for such a war was thin, the pre-war intelligence was deliberately molded to fit U.S. military plans.  Yet the memo itself — obtained and first printed earlier this month by the London Sunday Times — is not without its share of caveats.  Firstly, it is not a transcript, but rather a summary of the meeting between Tony Blair and his top intelligence officials on July 23, 2002. It characterizes what alleged statements by the cited attendees, and thus reflects their opinions of American intentions at that time.   The British government hasn't confirmed its contents.  But it is not disputing the document's authenticity either.  Both Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bush have repeatedly denied making the decision to go to war in early 2002.  But according to the memo, the then head of British Intelligence had a different impression based on his meetings with Washington officials.

Chappelle no show — The incisiveness, the surgical precision, with which the comedian Dave Chappelle cuts up modern culture might be summarized in a quote.  In the first explanation he's given of why he suddenly bolted out of his 50 million dollar contract with "Comedy Central.”  — but neither crazy nor smoking crack.  He explained he simply needed a 'spiritual retreat.'  In his own words, Chappelle says, "Let me just cut myself off from everybody, take a minute, and pull a Flintstone — stop a speeding car by using my bare feet as the brakes."

Anything that floats — Houston's "Anything That Floats Parade" gives new meaning to whatever floats your boat.  Fifteen entries — the rules simple...the crafts have to be environmentally sound, float for at least 400 feet and well, no alcohol on the boats.  Although nobody checks if you're pre-liquored-up.  Many of this year's entrants were physics students from local Bell-Air High School looking for extra credit.  Good times were had by all.  Countdown was an event sponsor, the proceeds benefiting the and development efforts.