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Find animated GIFs on Google with new search filter

Finding that one particular animated GIF that made you crack up the other day isn't always easy — but a new feature in Google Image Search, starting today, should make it a snap.

The new "animated" filter restricts your search to images that are animated, most or all of which should be GIFs. Looking for cats chasing lasers? Go ahead and search for "cat chasing laser," hit the "images" tab of the search results, then go to "Search tools," and then under "Any type," click "Animated."

Keep in mind that the images won't animate unless you click on them (it saves bandwidth, and sanity). Yes, it's a few extra steps, but it should save a bit of time in the end. Google wrote about the new feature in a blog post, along with some suggested searches. Pony glitter, anyone?

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website