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Google tracks the world's New Year's resolutions on an interactive map

Google Zeitgeist resolutions page
Watch resolutions pop-up across the world in realtime on the Google Zeitgeist page.Google

Google Zeitgeist resolutions page
Watch resolutions pop-up across the world in realtime on the Google Zeitgeist page.Google

Need help carrying out your New Year's resolution? There's a map for that: Google has created an interactive geographic resolution tracker, to remind you that you are not struggling alone.

When the clock struck midnight and 2013 was born, many of us quietly resolved to change something. This will be the year we will lose those extra 10 pounds, be kinder to our friends, learn a new language, change career paths, fall in love, and so on. A combination of Google's celebrated mapping and translation technologies, wrapped in a charming design, the new tool encourages users to write down those goals and show the world what improvements 2013 may bring.

To participate, head to Google's Zeitgeist page. Watch the resolutions pop up all over the map then, if you're feeling inspired, click the button to add your own resolutions. Once you enter the resolution (along with your postal codes and country name), you select a category such as love, health or career. 


One of the neat things about Google's brainchild is that it allows users to enter resolutions in their native languages and then automatically translates them for others around the world.

Thanks to this setup, a person who only speaks English can still watch in realtime as someone in Germany declares their intention to meet some pretty girls this year, someone living along the Adriatic Sea pledges to take life easier, and a Russian resident swears this is the year he'll get in shape.

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