Massachusetts county results

Exit poll


Category Warren Brown % Total
Male 47 53 47
Female 59 41 53

In which age group are you?

Category Warren Brown % Total
18-29 61 39 19
30-44 45 55 23
45-64 55 45 39
65 or over 53 47 19

In which age group are you?

Category Warren Brown % Total
18-24 59 41 9
25-29 62 38 9
30-39 47 53 14
40-49 47 53 20
50-64 56 44 29
65 or over 53 47 19


Category Warren Brown % Total
White 49 51 86
Black 86 14 6
Hispanic or Latino - - 4
Asian - - 2
Other - - 1

Gender by race

Category Warren Brown % Total
White men 42 58 40
White women 55 45 47
Black men - - 3
Black women - - 2
Latino men - - 2
Latino women - - 2
All other races - - 3

On most political matters, do you consider yourself:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Liberal 86 14 32
Moderate 45 55 47
Conservative 22 78 21

No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Democrat 89 11 39
Republican 5 95 17
Independent or something else 41 59 45

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Warren Brown % Total
No high school diploma - - 2
High school graduate 55 45 16
Some college or associate degree 52 48 22
College graduate 48 52 33
Postgraduate study 59 41 27

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Warren Brown % Total
College graduate 53 47 60
No college degree 54 46 40

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Warren Brown % Total
More than high school graduate 53 47 82
High school graduate or less 55 45 18

2011 total family income:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Under $30,000 67 33 13
$30,000 - $49,999 56 44 15
$50,000 - $99,999 51 49 34
$100,000 - $199,999 46 54 28
$200,000 - $249,999 - - 5
$250,000 or more - - 5

2011 total family income:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Under $50,000 61 39 28
$50,000 - $99,999 51 49 34
$100,000 or more 48 52 38

2011 total family income

Category Warren Brown % Total
Under $50,000 61 39 28
$50,000 or more 50 50 72

2011 total family income:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Under $100,000 56 44 62
$100,000 or more 48 52 38

Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country?

Category Warren Brown % Total
Foreign policy - - 5
Federal budget deficit 39 61 11
The economy 49 51 64
Health care 74 26 16

Which is closer to your view:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Government should do more to solve problems 76 24 53
Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals 24 76 43

Is your opinion of Barack Obama:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Favorable 81 19 63
Unfavorable 6 94 36

Is your opinion of Mitt Romney:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Favorable 8 92 40
Unfavorable 84 16 58

Are you currently married?

Category Warren Brown % Total
Yes 49 51 57
No 59 41 43

Gender by marital status

Category Warren Brown % Total
Married men 46 54 27
Married women 52 48 29
Not married men 50 50 19
Not married women 66 34 24

Do you think Elizabeth Warren's positions on the issues are:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Too liberal 7 93 37
Too conservative - - 5
About right 92 8 53

Do you think Scott Brown's positions on the issues are:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Too liberal 74 26 9
Too conservative 95 5 34
About right 19 81 50

Is your opinion of Elizabeth Warren:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Favorable 92 8 56
Unfavorable 3 97 43

Is your opinion of Scott Brown:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Favorable 24 76 60
Unfavorable 98 2 38

Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted for U.S. Senate?

Category Warren Brown % Total
Is willing to compromise 27 73 20
Is my party's candidate 65 35 11
Is honest and trustworthy 44 56 33
Cares about people like me 77 23 32

Did either of these candidates for U.S. senator attack the other unfairly?

Category Warren Brown % Total
Only Elizabeth Warren 17 83 18
Only Scott Brown 90 10 22
Both of them 49 51 39
Neither of them 51 49 16

Did either of these candidates for U.S. senator attack the other unfairly?

Category Warren Brown % Total
Elizabeth Warren did 39 61 57
Elizabeth Warren did not 74 26 37

Did either of these candidates for U.S. senator attack the other unfairly?

Category Warren Brown % Total
Scott Brown did 64 36 61
Scott Brown did not 33 67 34

In today's election for president, did you just vote for:

Category Warren Brown % Total
Barack Obama 85 15 60
Mitt Romney 3 97 38
Jill Stein - - 1

Population of area

Category Warren Brown % Total
Over 500,000 72 28 9
50,000 - 500,000 - - 6
Suburbs 49 51 84
10,000 - 50,000 - - -
Rural - - -

Population of area

Category Warren Brown % Total
City over 50,000 74 26 16
Suburbs 49 51 84
Small city and Rural - - -

Geo Stratum Code

Category Warren Brown % Total
Boston area 64 36 26
North Shore/Route 128 49 51 17
South Shore/Cape Cod 46 54 15
Rte 495/industrial belt 49 51 25
Western 54 46 17