Mississippi county results

Exit poll


Category Gore Wicker % Total
Male 35 60 45
Female 45 55 55

In which age group are you?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
18-29 46 54 18
30-44 47 50 29
45-64 42 56 39
65 or over 18 80 14

In which age group are you?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
18-24 - - 11
25-29 - - 8
30-39 48 46 18
40-49 43 57 21
50-64 42 55 29
65 or over 18 80 14


Category Gore Wicker % Total
White 11 87 60
Black 88 10 35
Hispanic or Latino - - 3
Asian - - 0
Other - - 1

Gender by race

Category Gore Wicker % Total
White men 9 87 28
White women 13 86 32
Black men 85 10 15
Black women 91 9 20
Latino men - - 1
Latino women - - 2
All other races - - 1

On most political matters, do you consider yourself:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Liberal 82 16 15
Moderate 53 44 34
Conservative 17 81 51

No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Democrat 86 11 38
Republican 4 94 44
Independent or something else 30 66 18

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
No high school diploma - - 4
High school graduate 45 51 31
Some college or associate degree 43 57 26
College graduate 36 61 26
Postgraduate study 29 67 13

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
College graduate 34 63 39
No college degree 44 54 61

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
More than high school graduate 38 60 65
High school graduate or less 44 53 35

2011 total family income:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Under $30,000 60 36 28
$30,000 - $49,999 43 57 23
$50,000 - $99,999 27 72 29
$100,000 - $199,999 22 76 14
$200,000 - $249,999 - - 2
$250,000 or more - - 4

2011 total family income:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Under $50,000 52 45 52
$50,000 - $99,999 27 72 29
$100,000 or more 22 76 19

2011 total family income

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Under $50,000 52 45 52
$50,000 or more 25 74 48

2011 total family income:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Under $100,000 43 55 81
$100,000 or more 22 76 19

How often do you attend religious services?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
More than once a week 27 71 35
Once a week 41 57 31
A few times a month 52 44 15
A few times a year - - 13
Never - - 4

How often do you attend religious services?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Weekly or more often 34 65 67
Occasionally 43 54 28
Never - - 4

White evangelical or white born-again Christians

Category Gore Wicker % Total
White evangelical or white born-again Christians 7 91 51
All others 68 29 49

Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Foreign policy - - 3
Federal budget deficit 34 65 18
The economy 31 66 57
Health care 56 40 19

Which candidate is more in touch with people like you?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Barack Obama 89 8 36
Mitt Romney 6 92 61

Who would better handle the economy?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Barack Obama 88 9 36
Mitt Romney 5 93 61

Which is closer to your view:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Government should do more to solve problems 66 32 41
Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals 15 81 56

Compared to four years ago, is your family's financial situation:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Better today 71 27 25
Worse today 12 85 40
About the same 41 56 34

Is your opinion of Barack Obama:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Favorable 86 11 39
Unfavorable 7 91 60

Is your opinion of Mitt Romney:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Favorable 6 92 60
Unfavorable 90 7 35

Are you currently married?

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Yes 30 67 67
No 57 41 33

Gender by marital status

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Married men 26 69 31
Married women 34 66 36
Not married men 50 47 13
Not married women 61 37 20

In today's election for president, did you just vote for:

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Barack Obama 89 9 42
Mitt Romney 5 94 56

Population of area

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Over 500,000 - - -
50,000 - 500,000 - - 6
Suburbs 46 53 26
10,000 - 50,000 64 36 11
Rural 30 67 57

Population of area

Category Gore Wicker % Total
City over 50,000 - - 6
Suburbs 46 53 26
Small city and Rural 36 62 68

Geographic area

Category Gore Wicker % Total
Jackson and Delta 58 39 28
Southeast 31 67 39
Northeast 37 61 32