New Jersey county results

Exit poll


Category Obama Romney % Total
Male 55 43 47
Female 62 38 53

In which age group are you?

Category Obama Romney % Total
18-29 63 36 16
30-44 59 40 24
45-64 60 39 45
65 or over 48 52 15

In which age group are you?

Category Obama Romney % Total
18-24 - - 8
25-29 - - 8
30-39 - - 14
40-49 66 34 21
50-64 57 41 34
65 or over 48 52 15


Category Obama Romney % Total
White 43 56 67
Black 96 4 18
Hispanic or Latino - - 10
Asian - - 3
Other - - 2

Gender by race

Category Obama Romney % Total
White men 44 54 35
White women 42 58 32
Black men - - 6
Black women 96 4 12
Latino men - - 4
Latino women - - 6
All other races - - 5

On most political matters, do you consider yourself:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Liberal 89 10 27
Moderate 60 39 48
Conservative 22 76 25

No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Democrat 95 5 44
Republican 11 88 26
Independent or something else 48 49 30

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Obama Romney % Total
No high school diploma - - 3
High school graduate 50 46 18
Some college or associate degree 56 44 27
College graduate 59 40 32
Postgraduate study 67 33 19

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Obama Romney % Total
College graduate 62 37 51
No college degree 55 43 49

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Obama Romney % Total
More than high school graduate 60 40 79
High school graduate or less 55 42 21

2011 total family income:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Under $30,000 - - 9
$30,000 - $49,999 63 37 17
$50,000 - $99,999 55 45 35
$100,000 - $199,999 60 38 27
$200,000 - $249,999 - - 7
$250,000 or more - - 4

2011 total family income:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Under $50,000 63 36 26
$50,000 - $99,999 55 45 35
$100,000 or more 61 38 38

2011 total family income

Category Obama Romney % Total
Under $50,000 63 36 26
$50,000 or more 58 41 74

2011 total family income:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Under $100,000 58 41 62
$100,000 or more 61 38 38

How often do you attend religious services?

Category Obama Romney % Total
More than once a week - - 12
Once a week - - 28
A few times a month - - 18
A few times a year - - 28
Never - - 14

How often do you attend religious services?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Weekly or more often - - 39
Occasionally - - 46
Never - - 14


Category Obama Romney % Total
Protestant or other Christian 53 45 36
Catholic 45 53 48
Jewish - - 3
Something else - - 5
None - - 8

Religion among whites

Category Obama Romney % Total
White Protestant/Other Christian - - 21
White Catholic - - 40
White Jewish - - 3
White something else - - 2
White none - - 6
Non-white - - 28

Church attendance by religion

Category Obama Romney % Total
Protestant and attend at least weekly - - 5
Protestant and do not attend at least weekly - - 13
Catholic and attend at least weekly - - 20
Catholic and do not attend at least weekly - - 24
All others - - 37

White evangelical or white born-again Christians

Category Obama Romney % Total
White evangelical or white born-again Christians - - 9
All others 58 42 91

Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Legal in all cases - - 40
Legal in most cases - - 31
Illegal in most cases - - 11
Illegal in all cases - - 14

Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Legal 62 38 71
Illegal - - 25

How do you feel about the Tea Party movement?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Support - - 20
Neutral - - 37
Oppose - - 41

Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Foreign policy - - 3
Federal budget deficit - - 10
The economy 61 39 67
Health care - - 16

Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted for president?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Shares my values - - 24
Is a strong leader - - 24
Cares about people like me - - 23
Has a vision for the future - - 27

Which ONE of these four is the biggest economic problem facing people like you?

Category Obama Romney % Total
The housing market - - 3
Unemployment - - 55
Taxes - - 18
Rising prices - - 19

What should happen to the 2010 health care law?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Expand it - - 41
Leave it as is - - 19
Repeal some of it - - 21
Repeal all of it - - 13

What should happen to the 2010 health care law?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Expand it or leave it as is - - 59
Repeal some or all of it - - 35

Should income tax rates:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Increase for all - - 7
Increase only on income over $250,000 - - 57
Not increase for anyone - - 33

Should most illegal immigrants working in the United States be:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Offered a chance to apply for legal status 61 39 81
Deported to the country they came from - - 16

Who is more in touch with people like you?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Barack Obama - - 62
Mitt Romney - - 36

Who would better handle the economy?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Barack Obama - - 56
Mitt Romney - - 42

Who would better handle Medicare?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Barack Obama - - 60
Mitt Romney - - 37

Who would better handle the federal budget deficit?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Barack Obama - - 55
Mitt Romney - - 42

Which is closer to your view:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Government should do more to solve problems - - 63
Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals - - 32

Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Excellent - - 1
Good - - 20
Not so good - - 52
Poor - - 26

Do you think the condition of the nation's economy:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Excellent or good - - 22
Not so good or poor 47 51 78

Is the U.S. economy:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Getting better - - 49
Getting worse - - 27
Staying about the same - - 24

Economic conditions:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Getting better - - 49
Staying the same and good - - 0
Staying the same and not good - - 24
Getting worse - - 27

Compared to four years ago, is your family's financial situation:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Better today - - 25
Worse today - - 28
About the same - - 46

Do you think things in this country today are:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Generally going in the right direction - - 54
Seriously off on the wrong track - - 46

Who is more to blame for current economic problems?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Barack Obama - - 33
George W. Bush - - 60

Do you think the U.S. economic system generally:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Favors the wealthy 64 36 70
Is fair to most Americans - - 27

Should taxes be raised to help cut the budget deficit?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes - - 36
No - - 64

Which comes closest to your feelings about the Obama administration:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Enthusiastic - - 32
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic - - 25
Dissatisfied, but not angry - - 29
Angry - - 14

Which comes closest to your feelings about the Obama administration:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Positive - - 57
Negative - - 43

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Strongly approve - - 39
Somewhat approve - - 26
Somewhat disapprove - - 13
Strongly disapprove - - 21

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Approve 86 14 65
Disapprove - - 33

Is your opinion of Barack Obama:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Favorable - - 59
Unfavorable - - 39

Is your opinion of Mitt Romney:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Favorable - - 39
Unfavorable - - 54

Do Barack Obama's policies generally favor:

Category Obama Romney % Total
The rich - - 4
The middle class - - 55
The poor - - 30

Would Mitt Romney's policies generally favor:

Category Obama Romney % Total
The rich - - 61
The middle class - - 32
The poor - - 1

Do you trust Barack Obama to handle an international crisis?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes 82 18 64
No - - 35

Do you trust Mitt Romney to handle an international crisis?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes - - 42
No - - 55

Trust to handle an international crisis:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Only Barack Obama - - 53
Only Mitt Romney - - 32
Both of them - - 10
Neither of them - - 2

Which best describes your vote for president today?

Category Obama Romney % Total
I strongly favor my candidate 62 38 74
I like my candidate but with reservations - - 20
I dislike the other candidates - - 5

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Just today - - 4
In the last few days - - 10
In October - - 11
In September - - 6
Before that 70 30 69

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Just today or in the last few days - - 14
Before that 71 29 86

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election?

Category Obama Romney % Total
In October or later - - 25
Before that 70 30 75

Are you currently married?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes 55 43 62
No 65 33 38

Gender by marital status

Category Obama Romney % Total
Married men 55 42 30
Married women 55 45 31
Not married men - - 16
Not married women 68 31 22

Do you have any children under 18 living in your home?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes 66 34 34
No 58 40 66

Married with children

Category Obama Romney % Total
Married with children 64 35 26
All others 59 40 74


Category Obama Romney % Total
Men with children - - 18
Women with children - - 16
Men without children 56 41 29
Women without children 60 39 37

Does anyone in your household belong to a labor union?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes - - 38
No - - 62

Do you work full-time for pay?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes - - 61
No - - 39

Should your state legally recognize same-sex marriage?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes - - 59
No - - 39

Are you gay, lesbian or bisexual?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes - - 2
No 57 41 98

In your vote for president, how would you rate the importance of Obama's hurricane response?

Category Obama Romney % Total
The most important factor - - 18
An important factor - - 36
A minor factor - - 26
Not a factor at all - - 18

In your vote for president, how would you rate the importance of Obama's hurricane response?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Important - - 53
Not important - - 44

In your vote for president, how would you rate the importance of Obama's hurricane response?

Category Obama Romney % Total
A factor 77 23 79
Not a factor - - 18

In today's election for U.S. Senate, did you just vote for:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Bob Menendez 93 6 59
Joe Kyrillos 7 92 39

Population of area

Category Obama Romney % Total
Over 500,000 - - -
50,000 - 500,000 - - -
Suburbs 58 41 100
10,000 - 50,000 - - -
Rural - - -

Population of area

Category Obama Romney % Total
City over 50,000 - - -
Suburbs 58 41 100
Small city and Rural - - -

Geographic area

Category Obama Romney % Total
Urban North 75 25 20
Suburban North - - 15
Northwest 44 54 15
Central 57 41 21
South 55 44 30