Pennsylvania county results

Exit poll


Category Obama Romney % Total
Male 48 51 48
Female 56 43 52

In which age group are you?

Category Obama Romney % Total
18-29 63 35 19
30-44 55 43 25
45-64 48 51 39
65 or over 43 57 17

In which age group are you?

Category Obama Romney % Total
18-24 64 34 10
25-29 62 36 9
30-39 57 41 16
40-49 51 48 19
50-64 47 52 29
65 or over 43 57 17


Category Obama Romney % Total
White 42 57 78
Black 93 6 13
Hispanic or Latino 80 18 6
Asian - - 1
Other - - 1

Gender by race

Category Obama Romney % Total
White men 39 60 38
White women 45 54 40
Black men 90 8 6
Black women 96 4 7
Latino men - - 3
Latino women 84 14 4
All other races - - 2

On most political matters, do you consider yourself:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Liberal 90 9 27
Moderate 54 45 42
Conservative 16 84 31

No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Democrat 91 9 45
Republican 7 93 35
Independent or something else 45 50 20

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Obama Romney % Total
No high school diploma 82 18 3
High school graduate 60 39 24
Some college or associate degree 51 47 25
College graduate 41 57 27
Postgraduate study 53 45 21

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Obama Romney % Total
College graduate 46 52 48
No college degree 57 42 52

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Obama Romney % Total
More than high school graduate 48 51 73
High school graduate or less 63 36 27

2011 total family income:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Under $30,000 74 24 19
$30,000 - $49,999 61 38 21
$50,000 - $99,999 41 58 31
$100,000 - $199,999 46 53 20
$200,000 - $249,999 - - 3
$250,000 or more 43 55 6

2011 total family income:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Under $50,000 67 31 40
$50,000 - $99,999 41 58 31
$100,000 or more 45 54 29

2011 total family income

Category Obama Romney % Total
Under $50,000 67 31 40
$50,000 or more 43 56 60

2011 total family income:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Under $100,000 56 43 71
$100,000 or more 45 54 29


Category Obama Romney % Total
Protestant or other Christian 49 51 44
Catholic 49 50 34
Jewish - - 4
Something else - - 6
None 74 25 12

Religion among whites

Category Obama Romney % Total
White Protestant/Other Christian 35 64 32
White Catholic 44 56 29
White Jewish - - 3
White something else - - 3
White none 68 30 9
Non-white 86 13 24

Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Foreign policy - - 4
Federal budget deficit 33 66 13
The economy 47 52 61
Health care 74 25 19

Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted for president?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Shares my values 43 56 29
Is a strong leader 36 63 20
Cares about people like me 82 17 20
Has a vision for the future 41 56 28

Which ONE of these four is the biggest economic problem facing people like you?

Category Obama Romney % Total
The housing market - - 5
Unemployment 53 46 36
Taxes 38 61 21
Rising prices 52 47 35

What should happen to the 2010 health care law?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Expand it 94 5 33
Leave it as is 83 17 17
Repeal some of it 27 71 25
Repeal all of it 4 94 21

What should happen to the 2010 health care law?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Expand it or leave it as is 90 9 51
Repeal some or all of it 16 82 46

Which candidate is more in touch with people like you?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Barack Obama 95 5 56
Mitt Romney 2 98 41

Who would better handle the economy?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Barack Obama 98 1 52
Mitt Romney 4 94 45

Who would better handle Medicare?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Barack Obama 96 2 49
Mitt Romney 3 97 47

Which is closer to your view:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Government should do more to solve problems 81 17 43
Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals 21 78 53

Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Excellent - - 2
Good 90 9 26
Not so good 55 44 47
Poor 12 86 24

Do you think the condition of the nation's economy:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Excellent or good 91 9 28
Not so good or poor 41 58 71

Is the U.S. economy:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Getting better 96 3 40
Getting worse 10 89 33
Staying about the same 50 49 26

Economic conditions:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Getting better 96 3 40
Staying the same and good - - 6
Staying the same and not good 43 56 21
Getting worse 10 89 33

Compared to four years ago, is your family's financial situation:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Better today 88 11 24
Worse today 12 86 33
About the same 56 42 43

Which comes closest to your feelings about the Obama administration:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Enthusiastic 99 1 28
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic 90 10 26
Dissatisfied, but not angry 12 85 28
Angry 2 96 17

Which comes closest to your feelings about the Obama administration:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Positive 95 5 54
Negative 8 89 44

Is your opinion of Barack Obama:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Favorable 92 7 52
Unfavorable 3 95 46

Is your opinion of Mitt Romney:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Favorable 7 92 48
Unfavorable 91 6 50

Which best describes your vote for president today?

Category Obama Romney % Total
I strongly favor my candidate 58 41 70
I like my candidate but with reservations 44 55 24
I dislike the other candidate - - 5

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Just today - - 6
In the last few days - - 8
In October - - 7
In September - - 5
Before that 51 48 73

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Just today or in the last few days 39 57 14
Before that 50 48 85

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election?

Category Obama Romney % Total
In October or later 40 56 21
Before that 51 48 78

Are you currently married?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes 43 55 60
No 64 34 40

Gender by marital status

Category Obama Romney % Total
Married men 41 57 30
Married women 45 54 30
Not married men 59 40 18
Not married women 69 30 22

Do you have any children under 18 living in your home?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes 50 48 37
No 52 47 63

Married with children

Category Obama Romney % Total
Married with children 42 56 26
All others 55 44 74


Category Obama Romney % Total
Men with children 47 51 17
Women with children 53 46 20
Men without children 48 51 31
Women without children 56 43 32

Does anyone in your household belong to a labor union?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes 57 42 21
No 56 43 79

Does anyone in your household own a gun?

Category Obama Romney % Total
Yes 33 66 35
No 58 40 65

In today's election for U.S. Senate, did you just vote for:

Category Obama Romney % Total
Bob Casey 89 10 54
Tom Smith 6 93 45

Population of area

Category Obama Romney % Total
Over 500,000 86 13 12
50,000 - 500,000 74 24 11
Suburbs 44 55 62
10,000 - 50,000 39 60 8
Rural 41 58 7

Population of area

Category Obama Romney % Total
City over 50,000 80 18 23
Suburbs 44 55 62
Small city and Rural 40 59 15

Geographic area

Category Obama Romney % Total
Philadelphia 86 13 12
Philadelphia suburbs 53 46 23
Northeast 52 47 17
Central 37 62 21
West 47 51 27