
North Carolina Primary Results

Mar 15: North Carolina Democratic Primary

121 delegates
94% in
Mar 17 2016, 1:46 pm ET

Mar 15: North Carolina Republican Primary

72 delegates
95% in
Mar 17 2016, 1:46 pm ET

Democratic Exit Poll Highlights

Entrance and exit polls are representative samples of voters taken before they enter (entrance poll, used for caucuses) or after they leave (exit poll, used for primaries) their voting place. This data is used to understand who voted for whom and why they did so.
Profile of Voters for Each Candidate
The data below provide a profile of each candidate's supporters by age, gender, race and ideology.
Breakdown by..
Winners and Losers Within Groups
The data below provide a profile of each candidate's supporters by age, gender, race and ideology.

Republican Exit Poll Highlights

Entrance and exit polls are representative samples of voters taken before they enter (entrance poll, used for caucuses) or after they leave (exit poll, used for primaries) their voting place. This data is used to understand who voted for whom and why they did so.
Profile of Voters for Each Candidate
The data below provide a profile of each candidates supporters by age, gender, race and ideology.
Breakdown by..
Winners and Losers Within Groups
The data below show the share of the electorate in each of several groups and how each group voted.

North Carolina Democratic Primary Exit Polls

No Preference
Gender Male 42% of voters Clinton +2 49347
Female 58% Clinton +22 59337
Age 17-29 18% of voters Sanders +44 28172
30-44 21% Clinton +2 50148
45-64 42% Clinton +29 62433
65 or over 20% Clinton +44 69525
Age 17-44 39% of voters Sanders +19 40159
45+ 61% Clinton +34 64430
Race White 62% of voters Sanders +9 43452
Black 32% Clinton +61 80119
Hispanic/Latino 3% Not enough data ---
Asian 1% Not enough data ---
Other 3% Not enough data ---
Sex by race White men 27% of voters Sanders +22 36458
White women 35% Clinton +2 49447
Black men 12% Clinton +66 82216
Black women 20% Clinton +59 79120
Latino men 1% Not enough data ---
Latino women 2% Not enough data ---
All other races 4% Not enough data ---
Which best describes your education? High school or less 16% of voters Clinton +33 65332
Some college/assoc. degree 27% Clinton +10 54244
College graduate 32% Clinton +10 52442
Postgraduate study 25% Clinton +9 53144
Education by race White college graduates 40% of voters Sanders +3 46349
White non-college graduates 22% Sanders +18 39357
Non White college graduates 18% Clinton +38 68130
Non White non-college graduates 20% Clinton +59 79220
2015 total family income: Under $30,000 19% of voters Clinton +13 55342
$30,000 - $49,999 24% Tie 49249
$50,000 - $99,999 32% Sanders +3 46449
$100,000 - $199,999 20% Clinton +22 59237
$200,000 or more 4% Not enough data ---
No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a: Democrat 70% of voters Clinton +31 65134
Republican 3% Not enough data ---
Independent or something else 28% Sanders +24 34558
On most political matters, do you consider yourself: Very liberal 26% of voters Tie 50050
Somewhat liberal 30% Clinton +8 53145
Moderate 35% Clinton +23 59336
Conservative 9% Clinton +21 531032
Are you currently married? Yes 56% of voters Clinton +27 61334
No 44% Clinton +6 52246
Gender by marital status Married men 25% of voters Clinton +17 55438
Married women 32% Clinton +35 66331
Non-married men 17% Sanders +12 43255
Non-married women 27% Clinton +17 58241
Before today, had you ever voted in a Democratic presidential primary? Yes 86% of voters Clinton +26 61335
No 13% Sanders +35 31366
Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country? Health care 22% of voters Clinton +16 56240
Economy/Jobs 37% Clinton +20 58238
Terrorism 10% Clinton +25 58733
Income inequality 28% Sanders +4 47251
Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted today? Can win in November 13% of voters Clinton +63 80117
Cares about people like me 30% Sanders +3 48151
Honest and trustworthy 26% Sanders +47 24371
Has the right experience 28% Clinton +66 81315
Should the next president: Generally continue Barack Obama's policies 54% of voters Clinton +44 71127
Change to more liberal policies 28% Sanders +45 27172
Change to less liberal policies 13% Sanders +21 311152
In the last few years, have race relations in this country: Gotten better 10% of voters Not enough data ---
Stayed about the same 29% Clinton +29 62233
Gotten worse 59% Clinton +12 54442
Who would you trust to handle race relations? Only Clinton 19% of voters Clinton +92 9533
Only Sanders 13% Sanders +92 2395
Both of them 56% Clinton +23 61038
Neither of them 9% Not enough data ---
Who would you trust to handle race relations? Only Clinton or both of them 75% of voters Clinton +41 70129
Only Sanders or neither of them 22% Sanders +57 16773
Who would you trust to handle race relations? Only Sanders or both of them 69% of voters Clinton +1 50149
Only Clinton or neither of them 28% Clinton +63 77614
Overall, would you say trade with other countries: Creates more U.S. jobs 36% of voters Clinton +24 61237
Takes away U.S. jobs 44% Clinton +3 49446
Has no effect on U.S. jobs 13% Tie 49249
How worried are you about the direction of the nation's economy in the next few years? Very worried 34% of voters Tie 46546
Somewhat worried 38% Clinton +1 50149
Not too worried 20% Clinton +26 62236
Not at all worried 7% Not enough data ---
How worried are you about the direction of the nation's economy in the next few years? Very or somewhat worried 72% of voters Clinton +1 48347
Not too or not at all worried 27% Clinton +33 66233
Which best describes your family's financial situation? Getting ahead financially 22% of voters Clinton +9 53344
Holding steady financially 58% Clinton +23 60237
Falling behind financially 18% Clinton +14 54640
Would you like the next president to: Have experience in politics 81% of voters Clinton +18 58240
Be from outside the political establishment 14% Sanders +49 19768
If Hillary Clinton won the nomination, would you be: Satisfied 76% of voters Clinton +48 73225
Dissatisfied 22% Sanders +80 5585
If Bernie Sanders won the nomination, would you be: Satisfied 66% of voters Sanders +12 43155
Dissatisfied 29% Clinton +76 8458
Do you think Hillary Clinton's positions on the issues are: Too liberal 11% of voters Not enough data ---
Not liberal enough 21% Sanders +65 17182
About right 64% Clinton +57 78121
Do you think Bernie Sanders' positions on the issues are: Too liberal 30% of voters Clinton +58 76418
Not liberal enough 10% Not enough data ---
About right 53% Sanders +21 39160
Do you think Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy? Yes 59% of voters Clinton +60 79119
No 38% Sanders +70 11581
Do you think Bernie Sanders is honest and trustworthy? Yes 83% of voters Clinton +1 49248
No 11% Clinton +46 68722
Do you think Hillary Clinton's views on business are: Too pro-business 29% of voters Sanders +67 15382
Too anti-business 8% Not enough data ---
About right 58% Clinton +56 77121
Do you think Bernie Sanders' views on business are: Too pro-business 8% of voters Not enough data ---
Too anti-business 28% Clinton +64 79415
About right 57% Sanders +29 35264
Do you think Hillary Clinton's policies are: Realistic 79% of voters Clinton +42 70228
Not realistic 19% Sanders +65 11976
Do you think Bernie Sanders' policies are: Realistic 52% of voters Sanders +22 38260
Not realistic 41% Clinton +65 79414
In deciding your vote for president today, was the gender of the candidate: The single most important factor 5% of voters Not enough data ---
One of several important factors 18% Clinton +64 80316
Not an important factor 77% Clinton +5 50345
In deciding your vote for president today, was the gender of the candidate: Important 22% of voters Clinton +67 82315
Not important 77% Clinton +5 50345
Who would have the better chance to defeat Donald Trump in November? Hillary Clinton 68% of voters Clinton +59 78219
Bernie Sanders 26% Sanders +79 9288
Who do you think would make the best commander in chief? Hillary Clinton 56% of voters Clinton +81 8928
Bernie Sanders 41% Sanders +88 5193
When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential primary? Just today 7% of voters Not enough data ---
In the last few days 8% Not enough data ---
Sometime last week 6% Not enough data ---
In the last month 18% Sanders +7 45252
Before that 60% Clinton +21 59238
Population City over 50,000 42% of voters Clinton +16 57141
Suburbs 23% Clinton +12 53541
Small city and Rural 35% Clinton +11 53442
Region East 23% of voters Clinton +24 58634
R/D/Triangle 27% Clinton +13 55242
Charlotte Area 14% Clinton +21 60039
Piedmont/Central 21% Clinton +15 56241
West 15% Sanders +8 44352

North Carolina Republican Primary Exit Polls

No Preference
Gender Male 50% of voters Trump +6 137120543
Female 50% Cruz +3 139141936
Age 17-29 13% of voters Cruz +13 043711530
30-44 20% Cruz +6 043101837
45-64 41% Trump +7 237130444
65 or over 25% Trump +9 132180641
Age 17-44 33% of voters Cruz +9 043911134
45+ 67% Trump +8 135150543
Race White 94% of voters Trump +2 138130740
Black 2% Not enough data ------
Hispanic/Latino 1% Not enough data ------
Asian 1% Not enough data ------
Other 2% Not enough data ------
Which best describes your education? High school or less 14% of voters Trump +13 03931552
Some college/assoc. degree 34% Trump +6 138101644
College graduate 34% Cruz +4 139150835
Postgraduate study 18% Cruz +6 136231830
Education by race White college graduates 48% of voters Cruz +5 138180833
White non-college graduates 46% Trump +10 13781647
Non White college graduates 3% Not enough data ------
Non White non-college graduates 2% Not enough data ------
2015 total family income: Under $30,000 13% of voters Not enough data ------
$30,000 - $49,999 19% Trump +21 -3190852
$50,000 - $99,999 36% Cruz +14 14891734
$100,000 - $199,999 23% Cruz +3 240140637
$200,000 or more 9% Not enough data ------
No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a: Democrat 2% of voters Not enough data ------
Republican 69% Trump +3 139120642
Independent or something else 30% Cruz +1 136152935
On most political matters, do you consider yourself: Very conservative 37% of voters Cruz +21 15460533
Somewhat conservative 42% Trump +14 032121846
Moderate 19% Trump +12 120281940
Liberal 2% Not enough data ------
On most political matters, do you consider yourself: Conservative 79% of voters Cruz +2 14290640
Moderate or liberal 21% Trump +12 220271939
Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian? Yes 69% of voters Cruz +5 14570640
No 31% Trump +13 123251938
White evangelical or white born-again Christians White evangelical or white born-again Christian 63% of voters Cruz +3 14470541
All others 37% Trump +7 1292311036
Have you ever served in the U.S. military? Yes 15% of voters Trump +20 03110-751
No 85% Cruz +2 139131737
Before today, had you ever voted in a Republican presidential primary? Yes 86% of voters Cruz +2 040131738
No 14% Trump +32 2201111252
Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country? Immigration 8% of voters Trump +28 03130559
Economy/Jobs 39% Trump +9 132181741
Terrorism 22% Cruz +9 144101835
Government spending 28% Cruz +8 143121735
Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted today? Can win in November 10% of voters Trump +2 137901439
Shares my values 39% Cruz +37 158210810
Tells it like it is 17% Trump +70 01121481
Can bring needed change 32% Trump +28 127101655
Overall, would you say trade with other countries: Creates more U.S. jobs 30% of voters Cruz +5 039131934
Takes away U.S. jobs 58% Trump +11 135111646
Has no effect on U.S. jobs 7% Not enough data ------
How worried are you about the direction of the nation's economy in the next few years? Very worried 64% of voters Trump +6 03981745
Somewhat worried 27% Cruz +1 133220932
Not too worried 4% Not enough data ------
Not at all worried 2% Not enough data ------
How worried are you about the direction of the nation's economy in the next few years? Very or somewhat worried 92% of voters Trump +4 037121741
Not too or not at all worried 6% Not enough data ------
Which best describes your family's financial situation? Getting ahead financially 18% of voters Cruz +2 13917-637
Holding steady financially 59% Tie 139131839
Falling behind financially 19% Trump +17 331101548
Should most illegal immigrants working in the United States be: Offered a chance to apply for legal status 54% of voters Cruz +5 1361901131
Deported to the country they came from 39% Trump +14 13951253
How do you feel about temporarily banning Muslims who are not U.S. citizens from entering the U.S.? Support 67% of voters Trump +11 137100448
Oppose 30% Cruz +19 2412011322
Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working? Enthusiastic 1% of voters Not enough data ------
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic 5% Not enough data ------
Dissatisfied, but not angry 53% Cruz +13 144141831
Angry 40% Trump +20 231110451
Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working? Enthusiastic or satisfied 6% of voters Not enough data ------
Dissatisfied or angry 94% Trump +1 139131740
Would you say you feel betrayed by politicians from the Republican Party? Yes 56% of voters Trump +8 136111644
No 40% Cruz +2 137160935
Would you like the next president to: Have experience in politics 35% of voters Cruz +21 148271136
Be from outside the political establishment 57% Trump +36 02850364
If Ted Cruz is the Republican nominee in November, would you: Not vote for him 18% of voters Trump +45 26162861
Probably vote for him 24% Trump +37 -161611253
Definitely vote for him 55% Cruz +34 059110525
If Marco Rubio is the Republican nominee in November, would you: Not vote for him 24% of voters Trump +52 116112168
Probably vote for him 27% Cruz +3 141140438
Definitely vote for him 46% Cruz +23 0471401324
If Donald Trump is the Republican nominee in November, would you: Not vote for him 23% of voters Cruz +25 251261152
Probably vote for him 21% Cruz +31 154141723
Definitely vote for him 55% Trump +36 02670462
If Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were the candidates in November, would you: Be satisfied with that choice 57% of voters Trump +41 02470365
Seriously consider voting for a third party candidate 39% Cruz +34 356221125
Do you think Ted Cruz is honest and trustworthy? Yes 56% of voters Cruz +45 16660521
No 40% Trump +43 13211864
Do you think Marco Rubio is honest and trustworthy? Yes 49% of voters Cruz +24 1471601323
No 45% Trump +27 130101157
Do you think Donald Trump is honest and trustworthy? Yes 46% of voters Trump +55 11770372
No 49% Cruz +40 258181118
Which ONE of these four candidates do you think ran the most unfair campaign? Ted Cruz 23% of voters Trump +57 21113-470
John Kasich 3% Not enough data ------
Marco Rubio 19% Trump +43 -2551068
Donald Trump 39% Cruz +36 156201128
If these had been the only candidates on the ballot today, would you have voted for: Ted Cruz 48% of voters Cruz +61 17312094
Donald Trump 43% Trump +82 -360288
Would not have voted 7% Not enough data ------
If these had been the only candidates on the ballot today, would you have voted for: Marco Rubio 37% of voters Cruz +36 157211183
Donald Trump 54% Trump +50 -2240172
Would not have voted 8% Not enough data ------
When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential primary? Just today 9% of voters Not enough data ------
In the last few days 13% Cruz +15 -45211330
Sometime last week 9% Not enough data ------
In the last month 22% Trump +4 23319-937
Before that 44% Trump +13 23651649
Population City over 50,000 34% of voters Cruz +9 140171931
Suburbs 47% Trump +8 136110544
Small city and Rural 19% Trump +8 13691844
Region East 22% of voters Trump +7 13891645
R/D/Triangle 16% Cruz +7 140160833
Charlotte Area 17% Trump +5 136151641
Piedmont/Central 23% Cruz +2 138151636
West 22% Trump +8 136101844

Primaries Results