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Teen posts birthday party invite on Facebook and 21,000 RSVP

Daily Telegraph

Her party is cancelled and she will be lucky to get a birthday card from me after this. I said she could have 15 friends along to the party but my sister-in-law said that 8,000 people had said on Facebook that they were coming.

CBS February $12,000 story

They should make it obvious that an event that is created is not just going out to your friends but everyone else on the site. When this happened Facebook should have realised that thousands of people going to a 14-year-old's party is not right and shut the group down automatically.

When someone creates an event on Facebook it clearly says 'anyone can view and rsvp (public event)'. If you leave this checked then it is a public event so anyone can view the content and respond. If users do see content on Facebook that they feel is inappropriate or unsuitable We have clear reporting links on every page, including event pages, for users to flag it. We also provide people with the tools to manage their own content so with events for example, there are clear tools to allow you to control who can see and respond to the event.