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Noted and Quoted: MSNBC hosts on Roger Stone's indictment, the government shutdown and the state of conservatism

MSNBC hosts on Roger Stone's indictment as part of Robert Mueller's investigation, the longest government shutdown in U.S. history and modern conservatism. Did you see what Joe & Mika, Ari, Rachel, Nicolle and Lawrence had to say on MSNBC?

Did you see what Mika & Ari, Rachel, Chris, Nicolle and Joy had to say on MSNBC? In case you missed it, we've picked their best moments for you, noted and quoted.

Mika Brzezinski

[Donald Trump’s] excesses, racism and misogyny led to this landmark moment in U.S. political history.

Mika Brzezinski, on why more women are running for office

Watch the full segment from January 22

The noose is tightening around the Trump campaign.


Watch the full segment from January 25

Rachel Maddow

There has been a lot — many tens of billions of dollars of illicit Russian money — apparently pouring through Deutsche Bank, during the time Deutsche Bank has inexplicably kept finding mysterious pots of cash to lend to a client no bank in its right mind would seem to want.


Watch the full segment from January 24

Chris Hayes

The defining conservative experience of this era is the palpable terror and rage at a social hierarchy that is threatening to tip over and land on its head.

Chris Hayes, on conservative reaction to a video featuring Covington Catholic students and a Native American activist

Watch the full segment from January 22

If the president read his daily intel briefing, he may have noticed that his intel community recognized Russia as one of the nation's biggest threats.

Nicolle Wallace, on a report published by 17 intelligence agencies that said traditional adversaries will continue attempts to gain influence

Watch the full segment from January 24

Joy Reid

When people ask what the longest government shutdown in U.S. history was all about, what will be said? The short answer, of course, is 'the wall.' The 35-day shutdown over the wall, which caused immeasurable suffering to hundreds of thousands of Americans ended today. The same day that Roger Stone, the longtime Donald Trump adviser who invented the idea of building the wall as a trick to remind Donald Trump to talk tough on immigration at his campaign rallies, was taken into custody in the early morning hours by more than two dozen federal employees working without pay...

Joy Reid, on the final day of the longest government shutdown in U.S. history

Watch the full segment from January 25

Check back next week for more MSNBC moments.