Noted and Quoted: MSNBC hosts on Michael Cohen's testimony, Trump's Kim Jong Un meeting and Rep. Mark Meadows

Noted and Quoted: MSNBC hosts on Michael Cohen's public testimony, Trump sitting with Kim and Rep. Mark Meadows. Did you see what Joe & Mika, Chris, Ari, Rachel and Lawrence had to say on MSNBC? In case you missed it, we've picked their best moments for you, noted and quoted.


Did you see what Joe & Mika, Chris, Ari, Rachel and Lawrence had to say on MSNBC? In case you missed it, we've picked their best moments for you, noted and quoted.

This week, Donald Trump once again embraced tyranny... He appeased yet another dictator.

Joe Scarborough, on President Trump taking the word of Kim Jong Un about the death of Otto Warmbier

Watch the full segment from March 1

In a day of acrimony, partisanship and inside baseball, Chairman Cummings was not only a model for Washington, but for the country. This man, who represents some of the toughest streets of Baltimore, presided over the Michael Cohen hearing with dignity, humanity and fairness — but also with a zeal for oversight and truth.

Mika Brzezinski, on Rep. Elijah Cummings' impassioned closing remarks during Michael Cohen's House testimony

Watch the full segment from February 28

There's also this reality of the whole spectacle which is them hammering Michael Cohen on his character, in a totally warranted fashion, but it's like... yes exactly. That's... have you looked at the White House?

Chris Hayes, on House Republicans attacking Michael Cohen

From February 27

When you lay out your moral and ethical critique, I think it makes perfect sense. When you lay out your strategic assumption that 'no one can be moved in America anymore,' I don't know that is right. I certainly don't think it's optimistic.

Ari Melber to Christina Greer on her critique of how Americans interpreted a racially heated exchange during Cohen's testimony

Watch the full segment from February 28

Part of what was so striking about this hearing today was the way members of Congress have started talking about the family separation issue. The focus was not just on the numbers of kids taken away, the statistics trying to get a handle on the size of the problem. From the beginning today, it was striking. This hearing was about what this policy did, what the U.S. government has done under President Trump to essentially negate the value of these families who have come to the United States — to nullify the idea of them having meaningful family ties.

Rachel Maddow, on the House investigation into the Trump administration's family separation policy

Watch the full segment from February 26

Until Mark Meadows apologizes for running a racist campaign to get his job in Congress, then everyone outside of the House of Representatives has the right and moral authority to call him a racist. Because if we pretend that the people who say and do racist things aren't racist, then we are denying the very existence of racism and that is a grave crime against the truth of life in America and American history.

Lawrence O'Donnell, on Rep. Mark Meadows

Watch the full segment from February 28

Check back next week for more MSNBC moments.