
Businessman Mike Braun easily defeated two members of Congress to win the Republican Senate primary in Indiana Tuesday, NBC News projected. He'll face Sen. Joe Donnelly, one of the most endangered Democrats in the Senate, in November.


Democrat Senate primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Joe Donnelly
Incumbent | Winner
Uncontested Race
93% votes in

Republican Senate primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Mike Braun
Projected Winner
41.2% 208,520
Todd Rokita
30% 152,001
Luke Messer
28.8% 146,088
99% votes in


Democrat House 1 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Peter Visclosky
Incumbent | Winner
80.5% 42,261
Tony Daggett
11.1% 5,813
Larry Chubb
8.4% 4,402
100% votes in

Republican House 1 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Mark Leyva
27% 5,960
John Meyer
19.6% 4,328
Roseann Ivanovich
19.6% 4,317
Nicholas Pappas
19.5% 4,311
David Dopp
7.6% 1,679
Jeremy Belko
6.7% 1,485
100% votes in

Democrat House 2 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Mel Hall
41.7% 15,397
Pat Hackett
28.2% 10,427
Yatish Joshi
22.1% 8,159
Douglas Carpenter
5.3% 1,949
John Petroff
1.5% 570
Roland Leech
1.2% 451
100% votes in

Republican House 2 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Jackie Walorski
Incumbent | Winner
78.7% 43,070
Mark Summe
21.3% 11,671
100% votes in

Democrat House 3 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Courtney Tritch
79.1% 16,376
Tommy Schrader
10.7% 2,214
John Roberson
10.2% 2,115
100% votes in

Republican House 3 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Jim Banks
Incumbent | Winner
Uncontested Race
100% votes in

Democrat House 4 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Tobi Beck
34.6% 6,466
Veronikka Ziol
21.1% 3,938
Joseph Mackey
16.1% 3,012
Roger Day
12.4% 2,324
Roland Ellis
9.2% 1,712
Darin Griesey
6.7% 1,249
98% votes in

Republican House 4 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Jim Baird
36.6% 29,316
Steve Braun
29.5% 23,598
Diego Morales
15% 11,994
Jared Thomas
10.5% 8,435
Kevin Grant
4.6% 3,667
James Nease
2.6% 2,098
Tim Radice
1.3% 1,013
98% votes in

Democrat House 5 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Dee Thornton
53% 18,073
Kyle Moore
23.7% 8,077
Dion Douglas
10.3% 3,520
Eshel Faraggi
7.6% 2,583
Sean Dugdale
5.4% 1,858
100% votes in

Republican House 5 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Susan Brooks
Incumbent | Winner
Uncontested Race
100% votes in

Democrat House 6 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Jeannine Lake
38.6% 8,809
Jim Pruett
25.4% 5,805
Lane Siekman
15.7% 3,589
George Holland
11% 2,511
Joshua Williamson
7.3% 1,664
Jasen Lave
1.9% 434
100% votes in

Republican House 6 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Greg Pence
62.8% 47,955
Jonathan Lamb
22.9% 17,523
Mike Campbell
6.9% 5,264
Stephen MacKenzie
4.5% 3,400
Jeff Smith
3% 2,258
100% votes in

Democrat House 7 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Andre Carson
Incumbent | Winner
87.9% 37,401
Sue Spicer
8.2% 3,485
Curtis Godfrey
1.7% 723
Bob Kern
1.7% 703
Pierre Pullins
0.5% 224
100% votes in

Republican House 7 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Wayne Harmon
28.8% 6,545
Donald Eason
19.2% 4,353
John Couch
15.2% 3,464
JD Miniear
13.6% 3,087
Jason Davis
11.9% 2,703
Tony Van Pelt
11.3% 2,568
100% votes in

Democrat House 8 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
William Tanoos
Uncontested Race
83% votes in

Republican House 8 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Larry Bucshon
Incumbent | Winner
63% 34,502
Richard Moss
25.2% 13,825
Rachel Covington
11.8% 6,443
83% votes in

Democrat House 9 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Liz Watson
66.4% 24,981
Dan Canon
30.7% 11,549
Rob Chatlos
2.9% 1,100
96% votes in

Republican House 9 primary

Candidate Percent Votes
Trey Hollingsworth
Incumbent | Winner
77.7% 46,884
James Alspach
22.3% 13,445
96% votes in

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