

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Male 46% 49% 43%
Female 54% 60% 33%

In which age group are you?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
18-29 13% - -
30-44 24% 58% 34%
45-64 40% 50% 43%
65 or over 24% 54% 38%

In which age group are you?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
18-24 6% - -
25-29 6% - -
30-39 15% - -
40-49 17% - -
50-64 31% 52% 41%
65 or over 24% 54% 38%


Category Total Merkley Wehby
White 86% 55% 39%
Black 1% - -
Hispanic or Latino 6% - -
Asian 2% - -
Other 4% - -

Race by gender

Category Total Merkley Wehby
White men 38% 50% 45%
White women 48% 60% 34%
Black men 0% - -
Black women 1% - -
Latino men 4% - -
Latino women 2% - -
All other races 6% - -

On most political matters, do you consider yourself:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Liberal 33% 91% 6%
Moderate 35% 59% 32%
Conservative 32% 15% 79%

No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Democrat 36% 92% 6%
Republican 24% 8% 86%
Independent or something else 40% 50% 37%

Party by gender

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Democratic men 13% 89% 10%
Democratic women 23% 94% 4%
Republican men 10% - -
Republican women 14% 7% 83%
Independent men 23% 43% 42%
Independent women 17% 59% 30%

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
No high school diploma 1% - -
High school graduate 18% 43% 45%
Some college or assoc. degree 31% 51% 42%
College graduate 29% 53% 41%
Postgraduate study 20% 75% 22%

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
College graduate 49% 62% 33%
No college degree 51% 49% 42%

What was the last grade of school you completed?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
More than high school graduate 80% 58% 37%
High school graduate or less 20% 45% 42%

Race by education

Category Total Merkley Wehby
White college graduates 43% 62% 34%
White non-college graduates 43% 49% 45%
Non-white college graduates 6% - -
Non-white non-college graduates 8% - -

2013 total family income:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Under $30,000 22% 59% 27%
$30,000 - $49,999 22% 59% 31%
$50,000 - $99,999 31% 50% 46%
$100,000 - $199,999 18% 59% 39%
$200,000 or more 7% - -

2013 total family income:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Under $50,000 44% 59% 29%
$50,000-$99,999 31% 50% 46%
$100,000 or more 25% 60% 36%

2013 total family income:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Under $50,000 44% 59% 29%
$50,000 or more 56% 54% 41%

2013 total family income:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Under $100,000 75% 55% 36%
$100,000 or more 25% 60% 36%

How often do you attend religious services?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
More than once a week 9% - -
Once a week 18% 41% 51%
A few times a month 10% - -
A few times a year 20% 51% 39%
Never 40% 69% 23%

How often do you attend religious services?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Weekly 27% 38% 52%
Occasionally 31% 49% 44%
Never 40% 69% 23%

Do you think things in this country today are:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Generally going in the right direction 31% 86% 10%
Seriously off on the wrong track 61% 36% 53%

Which is closer to your view:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Government should do more to solve problems 39% 86% 11%
Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals 51% 28% 62%

How worried are you about the direction of the nation's economy in the next year?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Very worried 27% 23% 65%
Somewhat worried 38% 55% 40%
Not too worried 23% 78% 17%
Not at all worried 11% - -

How worried are you about the direction of the nation's economy in the next year?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Very/somewhat worried 66% 42% 50%
Not too/not at all worried 34% 78% 15%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Strongly approve 16% 93% 5%
Somewhat approve 31% 87% 10%
Somewhat disapprove 14% 47% 40%
Strongly disapprove 37% 12% 75%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Approve 47% 89% 8%
Disapprove 51% 22% 66%

Is your opinion of the Democratic Party:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Favorable 47% 91% 5%
Unfavorable 46% 18% 72%

Is your opinion of the Republican Party:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Favorable 33% 28% 64%
Unfavorable 61% 70% 23%

Which comes closest to your feelings about the Obama administration:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Enthusiastic 6% - -
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic 37% 90% 7%
Dissatisfied, but not angry 29% 41% 52%
Angry 27% 10% 74%

Which comes closest to your feelings about the Obama administration:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Positive 43% 89% 8%
Negative 56% 26% 62%

Which comes closest to your feelings about Republican leaders in Congress:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Enthusiastic 2% - -
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic 20% 21% 72%
Dissatisfied, but not angry 41% 51% 42%
Angry 35% 76% 14%

Which comes closest to your feelings about Republican leaders in Congress:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Positive 22% 22% 72%
Negative 76% 63% 29%

Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Foreign policy 18% 58% 29%
Health care 21% 80% 15%
The economy 43% 49% 44%
Illegal immigration 17% 30% 63%

Do you think the 2010 federal health care law:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Did not go far enough 34% 85% 9%
Was about right 21% 74% 17%
Went too far 38% 16% 77%

How do you feel about the way John Kitzhaber has carried out the 2010 federal health care law?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Approve 30% 85% 11%
Disapprove 59% 36% 55%

How do you feel about current U.S. military action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Approve 62% 51% 43%
Disapprove 25% 55% 36%

Should your state legally recognize same-sex marriage?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Yes 64% 74% 21%
No 33% 20% 68%

Which candidate for U.S. Senate do you think is honest and trustworthy?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Only Jeff Merkley 29% 98% 1%
Only Monica Wehby 15% 8% 91%
Both of them 13% 57% 43%
Neither of them 35% 34% 45%

Which candidate for U.S. Senate do you think is honest and trustworthy?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Merkley is 42% 85% 15%
Merkley is not 49% 26% 59%

Which candidate for U.S. Senate do you think is honest and trustworthy?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Wehby is 28% 31% 68%
Wehby is not 63% 63% 25%

Was one reason for your vote for U.S. Senate today:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
To express support for Barack Obama 12% 94% 1%
To express opposition to Barack Obama 20% 7% 85%
Barack Obama was not a factor 66% 61% 30%

Are you currently married?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Yes 61% 50% 44%
No 39% 60% 29%

Marital status by gender

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Married men 29% 45% 51%
Married women 32% 55% 39%
Non-married men 18% 52% 33%
Non-married women 22% 66% 26%

In today's election for governor, did you just vote for:

Category Total Merkley Wehby
John Kitzhaber 51% 94% 5%
Dennis Richardson 44% 11% 80%

How did you vote on Measure 91, legalizing the use of marijuana?

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Yes 56% 71% 21%
No 44% 30% 64%

Geographic area

Category Total Merkley Wehby
Multnomah County 19% 75% 19%
Portland Suburbs 24% 54% 39%
Willamette/NW 31% 53% 40%
East/South 26% 45% 48%

Population of area

Category Total Merkley Wehby
City over 50,000 39% 63% 30%
Suburbs 42% 52% 42%
Small city and rural 19% 46% 46%