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Philadelphia police brass get street duty

Police brass in Philadelphia are going back on patrol to help increase police presence in high crime neighborhoods as the city’s homicide rate climbs.
/ Source: The Associated Press

Police brass are going back on patrol to help increase police presence in high crime neighborhoods as the city’s homicide rate climbs.

Every officer from captain on up will work four hours, one night a week, in a high-crime area, Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson said Monday.

That includes Johnson himself and about 150 captains, inspectors, chief inspectors and deputy commissioners, he said.

“If a captain complains about four hours, they shouldn’t be a captain,” he said.

The program begins next Monday and will continue indefinitely.

Philadelphia had counted 92 homicides for the year as of Sunday, compared to 73 during the same period a year ago. Over all, last year’s total topped 400, a nine-year high.

Police said their rate of homicide cases in which charges had been filed had dropped to 56 percent from 62 percent in January, partly because of reluctant witnesses.