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Search Tips


The fastest, simplest way to search for articles is by typing words into the Search box at the top of every page, then click the Search option. You'll get a list of articles, with the most recent articles on top, followed by other relevant articles.


  • Be as specific as possible when select the words you use to search. A search for “games,” for example, might turn up stories about football games and video games – but you probably know already which of those you’re interested in and can save time by entering “video games” or “Celtics games.”
  • By default, common words such as “a”, “and” and “the” are ignored by the search engine (but see advanced search below, for more information.)  
  • No more than 10 search words can be used at once. If you enter more than 10, the search engine will ignore all but the first 10.


You can also do advanced searches by combining your search words with certain symbols and keywords to rule out or include more results.

For example, entering “baseball NOT Yankees” in the search box would return all articles about baseball – except for those that mentioned the Yankees. “Yankees AND Mets” would return articles that mentioned both teams; “Yankees OR Mets” would return articles that mentioned either team.

These are the keywords and symbols recognized by the search engine:


The search box on top of each page can also be used to search the entire Web. Simply select the ‘Web” button to the left of the search box, then enter your search words and hit the “Search” button. You will be directed from to an MSN Search page.