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New York City, from $189 a night

Save up to $180 on a stay at this Midtown hotel with panoramic city views.

The Real Deal: The Take in the View package includes accommodations at the 189-room Kimberly Hotel in midtown Manhattan, plus buffet breakfast at the Upstairs rooftop bar and lounge, which has a retractable roof and heated floors and offers sweeping views of the city.

Rates start from $189 per room per night for a standard guest room; add $110 per room per night for a recently renovated suite.

When: Through March 31.

The fine print: Taxes of 14.75 percent and a $3.50 nightly room charge are additional. Based on single or double occupancy.

Read these guidelines before you book any Real Deal.

Contact: 800/683-0400,

Why it's a deal: Compared with the rack rate, which starts at $369 per room per night and at $449 for a suite, you save $180 on a room or $150 on a suite.

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