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Conn. Senate votes to toughen cell phone ban

State senators have voted to increase fines for driving while using a hand-held cell phone in Connecticut.
/ Source: The Associated Press

State senators have voted to increase fines for driving while using a hand-held cell phone in Connecticut.

The bill, which passed on a 34-1 vote Monday, moves to the House of Representatives.

The legislation imposes a $100 fine for first-time violators, $150 for a second violation and $200 for subsequent violations. Under current law, all fines are $100, but a first-time offender can have that sum suspended after acquiring a hands-free device.

The bill requires the state to give 25 percent of the revenue to the muncipality where the offense occurred.

Proponents of the bill, including Gov. M. Jodi Rell, say it's time to toughen the five-year-old law.

The bill also specifies that it's illegal for a driver to type, send or read text messages while driving.