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Vermont bicycle tour, from $1,445

Tour the state by bike, with stops including Bristol, Lake Champlain, Salisbury, and West Addison.

The Real Deal: A six-day guided bicycle tour of Vermont, two nights at the Swift House Inn in Middlebury, three nights at the Basin Harbor Club on Lake Champlain, 10 meals, a bike and a helmet rental, the services of a guide, full van support, maps and route directions, a private guided kayaking excursion on Lake Champlain, and 5 percent off a future VBT tour, from $1,445 per person — including all taxes and fees.

When: June 13, 2010; add $150 for Oct. 3; $250 for July 4; $450 for Sept. 12, 19.

The fine print: Includes all taxes and fees. Based on double occupancy; single supplement is $485. Solo travelers can request to be paired up with someone of the same sex to avoid the single supplement. Note that the tour operator offers a free transfer from Burlington airport if you will be flying in. Airfare is not included. Expect to be on your bike from two to four hours a day, traveling between 15 and 35 miles a day. Read these guidelines before you book any Real Deal.

Book by: No deadline; based on availability.

Contact: VBT, 800/245-3868,

Why it's a deal: The trip price breaks down to $289 per person per night and includes experiences that might be hard to book on your own: guided biking to Chimney Point, where you'll cross Lake Champlain by bridge; a tour around Lake Dunmore and in parts of the Green Mountains; and swimming in Bartlett Falls. The trip price also includes meals and the valuable services of an experienced guide. Also note that the June 13 departure is $150 off regular rates.