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Libya’s statement on weapons ban

The Libyan Foreign Ministry released a statement Friday on the country’s ban on weapons of mass destruction.

Following is the text of the statement released on Friday by the Libyan Foreign Ministry on the country’s ban on weapons of mass destruction. Text translated by Reuters from the original Arabic:

Because of the international climate that prevailed during the Cold War, as well as the tension that prevailed in the Middle East, the Great Arab Socialist People’s Libyan Jamahiriya called on states in the region to rid the Middle East and Africa of weapons of mass destruction, and because its call was not heeded seriously the Great Arab Socialist People’s Libyan Jamahiriya sought to develop its defensive capabilities.

Libyan, British and U.S. experts have held talks over activities by the Great Arab Socialist People’s Libyan Jamahiriya in that field. Libyan experts showed their counterparts materials, equipment and programs -- centrifuges and containers for a chemical material -- that can lead to the production of internationally banned weapons.

Based on the talks conducted by the Great Arab Socialist People’s Libyan Jamahiriya with the United States and the United Kingdom, both permanent members of the U.N. Security Council responsible for ensuring international peace and security, it (Libya) has decided on its free will to get rid of these materials, equipment and programs, and to become totally free of internationally banned weapons.

It has also decided to limit itself to missiles of range standards agreed upon in the MTCR control system and will take these steps in a transparent way that can be proven even by accepting urgent international inspection.

In addition to this, it insists that it will respect the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the IAEA Guarantees agreement and the biological weapons pact and will accept any other obligations, including the Additional Protocol of IAEA Guarantees agreement and biological and chemical weapons treaty.

The Great Arab Socialist People’s Libyan Jamahiriya is convinced that the arms race is neither in its interest or in that of the region and goes against its strong desire (to see) a world enjoying security and peace and wants all states to follow suit, starting with the Middle East region without exception.

The Great Arab Socialist People’s Libyan Jamahiriya will inform the (U.N.) Security Council of this.