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In a Win for Apple, ITC Orders Import Ban on Some Samsung Products

Apple got a boost late Friday when the International Trade Commission ruled that rival Samsung infringed on some of its iPhone-related patents for older Galaxy phones and tablets.
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Turnabout was fair play for Apple.

The tech giant got a boost late Friday when the International Trade Commission ruled that rival Samsung infringed on some of its iPhone-related patents for older Galaxy phones and tablets.

The ITC ordered a ban on imports of the Samsung products that violated the patents, which cover features like headphone jacks and finger-scrolling.

That is the mirror image of a previous ITC ruling that Apple had infringed on some Samsung patents for iPhones and iPads. Apple was banned from selling those phones, but the Obama Administration last week vetoed the ITC’s order.

President Obama could issue a similar veto on the Samsung ban within the next 60 days. Samsung is expected to appeal the ITC’s decision.

The ITC’s decision came as the two companies faced off in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington. Apple, which won a federal suit in California that Samsung infringed on iPhone patents, is trying to get the courts to force Samsung to stop selling older Galaxy products in the U.S. The appeals court is not expected to issue a ruling in that case for a few months.