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How the U.S. Health-Care System Stacks Up Against the Rest of the World (Infographic)

With health care one of the most hotly debated subjects right now, here is a look at where the U.S. stands in terms of health-care costs and services.
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No matter what your stance on the Affordable Care Act and its implications for your business, it is valuable to understand how health care in the U.S. compares to the rest of the world.
To help clarify the differences, the School of Public Health at George Washington University created an infographic with data from the World Health Organization's World Health Statistics 2013 report, an annual compilation of world health data.

According to their data, the U.S. spends more than two and a half times more on health care per person than most developed nations in the world. For more on how the U.S. stacks up compared to 16 other countries around the world, take a look at the infographic below.

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