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Have a Blog? LinkedIn Wants Your Copy.

The professional social networking site has opened up its publishing platform to all users.
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If you're a regular on LinkedIn then you've almost certainly noticed how the site curates news from around the web and publishes blog posts by its select group of "Influencers." All that content is just the tip of the iceberg, LinkedIn says. Today, the site is opening up its publishing platform to its 277 million members.

That's, um, a lot of potential writers.

But what's the incentive for a business owner or an individual to share his or her blog posts and articles with LinkedIn instead of publishing only to his or her own website? One word: exposure.

"When a member publishes a post on LinkedIn, their original content becomes part of their professional profile, is shared with their trusted network and has the ability to reach the largest group of professionals ever assembled," LinkedIn product management director Ryan Roslansky  says in a post announcing the news.

Related: How Not to Be a Boring Blogger: Write Like You Eat (Infographic)

In addition to written articles, members can share photos, images, videos and their original presentations via SlideShare, which LinkedIn acquired in May 2012.

LinkedIn launched the Influencer network the following October, allowing a select group of thought leaders in business to write posts and LinkedIn members to follow them. Among the influencers are serial entrepreneur Richard Branson, U.S. President Barack Obama, Bill Gates and Martha Stewart.

As of now, 25,000 members will have the ability to publish content on LinkedIn, the company says. LinkedIn will be expanding that capability to all members "over the next few weeks and months to come."

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