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Weird Al's 'Word Crimes' Could Actually Make You a Better Communicator

The curly-haired songwriter's parody of 'Blurred Lines' provides some important grammar tips.
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Do you know how to conjugate? Is your participle dangling? Are you a fan of the Oxford comma?

If you have no idea what I'm talking about then perhaps you should watch the video below.

Why? Communication is a critical element of what entrepreneurs and other business professionals do each day. How you use language to communicate -- and whether you do it correctly -- can be a major reflection on you personally as well as your brand.

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Apparently musician-parodist "Weird Al" Yankovic thinks so, too. His latest music video is called "Word Crimes." In it, he calls out some of his biggest pet peeves when it comes to spelling and grammar. (It's a parody of the Robin Thicke song " Blurred Lines.")

So far, the video has 2.2 million views on YouTube. Word nerds will love it. Grammar haters should study it.

Check it out:

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