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3 Tips for Saving Time Every Day

A small investment in learning some new technical tricks can pay daily productivity dividends.
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You're a fast learner. You're a self-starter. You are ready to take your product or service to the next level, but you don't have enough time each day.

Few entrepreneurs find the "Holy Grail" of learning productivity, that place and time where and when you are able to get things done without the distractions or problems you face daily.

Related: How Learning-as-You-Go Is Part of the Entrepreneur's Journey

Take a shortcut. Learn the language of technology, become more productive and save time every day with these three ways to become byte-lingual.

1. Seek micro-improvements. Saving YouTube learning videos to my computer to watch later, programming special “shortcuts” in to my smart phone and learning the speed keys across my most frequently used applications alone saves at least 15 minutes a day.

2. Observe others. Years ago, I watched someone download a YouTube video to their computer, edit it to show in a meeting and import the clip into their PowerPoint presentation. That one hour changed my life. I save about two hours each presentation I create and eliminate the headache of having to be online during every client presentation.

Related: Forget Time Management. Do This Instead and Be More Productive.

3. Watch online video tutorials. Visit video or product websites to learn about the product, service, program, etc, that interests you. Watch these “bite-sized” videos to learn more, faster.

Using tools, applications and gear more effectively could save you anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes every day. For a team of five, that is 120 hours of “extra” time this coming year. What could you get done?

Related: 10 Time Management Tips That Work