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Tony's tabs

5 p.m. ET
Today we'll take a close look at the deal the Senate struck on the judicial nominees.  Did anyone win?  If you read the blogs it's hard to tell.

"Confirm Them" sees this as a defeat for Senator Frist and says that the compromise undermined his leadership, but Jeralyn Merritt thinks Frist won the day and got the country one step closer to a theocracy.  The Princeton students who held their own filibuster have declared a victory.  But is it a victory that the nuclear option was averted or just a return to normalcy?  We'll take a look at all the views and some big picture issues, as well.  Our guests will be the terrific Doris Kearns Goodwin and David Gergen.

We'll also take a look at a controversial security proposal to have X-ray machines examine you and your baggage at airports.  The devices can see straight through your clothes, leaving nothing to the imagination.  But isn't that a small price to pay for safety?  We'll discuss.

And we'll have a response to our noon guest, Gerald Posner, who made some strong accusations against Saudi Arabia.  Hussein Ibish joins us to give a different perspective on the controversial regime.

Send us your e-mails.

12 p.m. ET
It’s a big week in Washington, and we have a big show planned. Seriously big.

There have been two major developments in Congress over the past couple of days.  First, we’ll bring you the latest on the “compromise” reached yesterday on judicial nominations.  Three justices will be sent to the floor for an up or down vote.  I have to tell you, last week Jeralyn Merritt at “Talk Left” said that the problem with compromise is that it’s like divorce—both parties walk away feeling like they gave too much.  That seems to be the case today.

We’ll have Chris Matthews of “Hardball” on with us along with Senators Grassley, Landrieu, and Chafee.  How’s that for a great lineup?

Another huge story on the Hill—stem cell research.  The House will vote this week on a bill that would provide federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, although it stops short of the cloning measures we saw recently in Korea.  Several House Republicans are supporting the bill.  If it passes, the President says he will veto the measure.  It’s going to be a hot debate.  We’ll be joined by NBC’s Chip Reid as well as Congressmen Joe Schwarz and Dave Weldon.

Also with us today, bloggers providing reaction to developments in the filibuster feud, and Gerald Posner on his new book about Saudi Arabia.

You don’t want to miss this show.

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Bloggers featured Tuesday

Tuesday Web links

Stem cells

Iraq deaths

Jackson trial

Phil Specter