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What's on the show Monday

12 p.m. EST

"Connected" will not be seen today so that we can bring you live continuing coverage of Judge John Roberts' confirmation hearings.  We'll also bring you updates on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina throughout the day.

In the meanwhile, Hurricane Katrina is still dominating coverage not just in America, but all around the world.  I want to share a sampling of some of the editorials from international publications.

First, from Asahi Shimbun, a major Japanese daily:

Many of those without the means or a destination of escape are black citizens. It seems that in the United States, poverty and race are intertwined. The social ills that underlie American society are profound and sad. The Shimbun is focusing on issues of race and class, and urging President Bush to take his focus off of foreign policy and put into domestic planning before America loses its respect and status as a superpower.

In Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald offers this:

Despite the apparent solidity of the Republicans' domination, Katrina's gales may well have been blown it away, along with the wooden homes of New Orleans.

The Herald makes the case that despite the political heat Bush has received for his effort in Iraq and the War on Terror, it may well be the results of a natural disaster that turn the tide against the GOP.

And from The Yemen Times, this editorial by James Zogby, which states that Katrina and Iraq are combining to make for one rough second term.  Still, Zogby sees hope for America if the crisis is handled correctly:

This may be the low point in his presidency, and his gravest challenge since 9-11. But even with the slow start and the disturbing questions that must still be answered, this challenge presents the White House with an opportunity to lead a nation in great need of healing. And then, if and when this crisis is under control, Iraq will still be there demanding attention, and Cindy Sheehan will still want her questions answered.