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Mexico, Social Media Reacts to El Chapo Capture

The Mexican government touted El Chapo's capture but on social media many Mexicans expressed cynicism and even disbelief at the news.
Image: Joaquin \"El Chapo\" Guzman
The most recent image of drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman before he escaped from the Altiplano maximum security prison in Almoloya, west of Mexico City on July 12, 2015. Mexico's Attorney General's Office via AP

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto used Twitter to tout the recapture of El Chapo Guzmán, the drug lord who escaped six months ago from a high security Mexican prison through an elaborately built tunnel.

"Misión cumplida, lo tenemos," which means "mission accomplished, we have him," said Peña Nieto.

The reaction was echoed in Mexican newspapers, who quickly put out the "ultima hora" (breaking news) information.

But it was inevitable that shortly after the news came out the reaction on social media would also be one that mixed humor and cynicism about the Mexican government's role in his capture and his seemingly effortless escape six months ago.

RELATED: El Chapo: Notorious Mexican Drug Kingpin Captured by Authorities

Mexican newspaper Milenio tweeted out an article from late last year stating that when El Chapo was captured they only confiscated 4 weapons and a few jewels from the man considered one of the world's richest, according to Forbes.

Reacting on Twitter to Mexican newspaper's El Universal's news of the Friday's capture, some Twitter users questioned why there weren't any immediate photos. "No photos, no proof," adding it's "lies like always."

And it wasn't just in Mexico that social media users had things to say about the capture.

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