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Republican Senate Candidate's Ad Goes After Congress

<p>Republican David Perdue's introductory ad mocks his opponents and Congress as babies.</p>

This is one way to try and break through as a Washington outsider.

David Perdue, running in a crowded Republican primary for the open Georgia Senate seat, is depicting his opponents and Congress literally as babies in a new introductory web video.

About 2:48 into what is otherwise a serious ad about the former Reebok and Dollar General CEO and cousin of former Gov. Sonny Perdue (R), actual, whining babies with his opponents’ names on their onesies appear. They are sprinkled throughout the rest of the video and even used to expand the metaphor to all of Congress, showing babies sprawled on lawn in front of the Capitol.

The ad maker is Fred Davis, who has a penchant for the provocative.

Incumbent Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R) is not running for reelection, which opened up this seat. Perdue trails in limited public polling behind the other candidates – congressmen Phil Gingrey, Jack Kingston, and Paul Broun, as well as former Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel -- all of whom have more political experience, something Perdue is trying to use against them with this ad.

The primary is May 20th with a runoff, if necessary, July 22nd.