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Alter 'Reaction' Buttons to Donald Trump, Pokemon, Your Own Face

If you have already grown tired of the new Facebook “reaction” emojis, there’s a new version available -- starring Pokemon, Donald Trump, or yourself.

If you have already grown tired of the new Facebook “reaction” emojis, there’s a new version available -- starring Pokemon or Donald Trump in a variety of expressive emotions. The new photo icons are not FBO ("Facebook official"), but released by a private developer.

The customized emoji buttons are available via Reaction Packs and can be installed using a browser extension for Google Chrome or Firefox. Users then select from a set of custom packs, or can upload images to create editable icons of their own.

While you’ll be able to amuse yourself endlessly with your new range of reactions, your friends will only be able to see the custom icons in their Facebook feed if they have also downloaded the same browser extension. Current 'reaction' options include Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau, Soot Sprites, and "rage faces."