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Apple: 100 million iPads sold

Tim Cook with iPad
Apple CEO Tim Cook shows off the iPad miniWilson Rothman / NBC News

At Apple's San Jose event Tuesday, CEO Tim Cook announced that the company recently sold its 100 millionth iPad, putting sales far beyond those of competitors.

In addition to this astronomical figure, Cook noted that iPads also account for 91 percent of Web traffic from tablets. Considering the number and popularity of devices like the Kindle Fire and Nexus 7, that number seems a little high.

If you ask Cook, "There's a simple reason for this: They love their iPads."

That number will likely continue to grow; the updated iPad and new iPad mini announced today will surely be big sellers. The rest of the event and its many announcements can be found at this post, updated live with new developments.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is