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Smartype keyboard keeps your eyes on your work

Dov Moran demonstrates the Smartype keyboard.
Dov Moran demonstrates the Smartype keyboard.Paul Goldman/

ISRAEL - Here in Israel, Dov Moran is considered a genius. If you look at you keychain and have a USB hard disk hanging from it, Moran is the one who invented it. He was the founder of M-systems that invented the USB flash drive. His company was sold to SanDisk at the end of 2006 for $1.6 billion.

On Wednesday, Moran introduced his latest gadget, the Smartype, a new computer keyboard that he hopes will change our life in a simple but clever way.

One hundred and fifty years have passed since the first keyboard was introduced, and not much has changed since. "I invented Smartype since I had my own problem typing," Moran told reporters. "When I typed, I found myself looking constantly back and forth from the keyboard to the computer screen, checking the spelling and typing language". 

So Moran invented a keyboard that has a built in screen that displays and represents the last line typed, making it possible to keep your eyes looking only at the keyboard. Simple and one of those "why didn’t I think of that?" ideas.

Moran represents a lot of why Israel is called “the start-up nation."  He faced huge success, as well as a close encounter with failure. In 2007, Moran invented Modu, the first Israeli mobile phone company. The concept was to build a tiny and simple phone but at the age of the iPhone no one bothered with small and simple and in 2011 the company ceased to exist. “I failed with Modu” Moran said. "But you need to fall and bounce back and continue on."

About 100 million keyboards are sold each year worldwide, and Moran told reporters he "will be happy with 10 percent of that." Later this year, U.S. consumers will have the choice to purchase Moran’s new Smartype keyboard for $99. Not only does it have a nice sleek design, but it also comes with a set of applications that can display the weather, time and last email.