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Pre-caffeine tech: Tweeting houseflies, women in binders!

via BuzzFeed
via BuzzFeed

Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning.

Here's how "Binders Full of Women" and other Internet memes trump voter issues.

Meanwhile, a new report notes huge improvements in voting technology since 2000 — but warns that the rise of early voting by mail could erode those gains.

Tweeting houseflies are creating a real buzz on Twitter! 

Google has sent out invites for an event in New York on Oct. 29. If recent rumors hold true, Google may unveil new Nexus hardware, possibly both a tablet and a phone.

We'll skip the "A million isn't cool, you know what's cool?" joke and tell you the news: There are currently over one billion smartphones in use around the world.

And to think, you laughed! One day after pre-orders began, Microsoft is totally sold out of Surface RT tablets.

You see Kindles and other e-readers all the time in ones and twos, but rarely do you see a hundred or a thousand deployed by a school or business. That could change with Whispercast, a new tool from Amazon that allows fleets of Kindles to be managed like PCs.

Newsweek is shutting down its magazine operation and going all digital. Here's what might mean for the future of  media and whatnot. 

If you've always wanted a robot around the house, this could be the one for you: The creators of Romo, a small robot that uses an iOS device as its brain, are returning to Kickstarter to create a new, more powerful device. 

In closing, 19 creative Halloween costumes for babies who are too young to walk

Compiled by Helen A.S. Popkin, who invites you to join her on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+.