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Not the kind of mayoral race we were expecting

Mayor Tom Clauder was so upset when he saw a woman pull one of his campaign signs out of the ground near the Fitchburg, Wis., City Hall on election day that he chased the woman's car in his pickup truck. When he called police about the matter, he learned the woman was his opponent's wife.
/ Source: The Associated Press

Mayor Tom Clauder was so upset when he saw a woman pull one of his campaign signs out of the ground near City Hall on election day that he chased the woman's car in his pickup truck. When he called police about the matter, he learned the woman was his opponent's wife.

"This is low, really low," Clauder said Tuesday after finding out she was Jessica Nytes, wife of challenger Jeff Nytes — who lost in the election.

Jeff Nytes said he did not condone what his wife had done but said Clauder was putting his campaign signs in the street right of way, which is against campaigning rules.

"His signs are supposed to be at least 33 feet set back from the center of the highway," Nytes said. "And, she didn't steal the sign, just pulled it out and lay it down on the ground."

Clauder said police told him they had received a call from a woman saying she was being chased by a pickup in the Department of Natural Resources parking lot — and that was him.

Jessica Nytes said she was scared.

The mayor "almost ran me off the road five times," she said.

She said pulling the sign out of the ground was "really silly," but she wanted to make a point by taking down a sign that was not where it was supposed to be.

"I was doing a public service," she said. "Maybe what I did was wrong, but then he endangered both my life and his this morning."