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Meet the Press links — Sunday, January 25

National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers joins us to discuss the nation's economic crisis. Then, the GOP response to House Democrats' $825 billion economic stimulus plan and Pres. Obama's order to close the Guantanamo prison camp from Republican Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-OH). Plus, how has the Obama administration fared in its first few days? Our roundtable weighs in: The New York Times' Tom Friedman, The Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes, and NPR's Michele Norris.

Want to know more about this week's guest and topics?

Try clicking on some of these links:


Lawrence Summers, Director, National Economic Council | Bio | National Economic Council

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), House Republican Leader | Bio | Web site

Tom Friedman, Columnist, New York Times | Bio | Columns

Stephen Hayes, Senior Writer, The Weekly Standard | Bio

Michele Norris, Host, NPR's "All Things Considered" | Bio


MSNBC: Business
MSNBC: Politics
MSNBC: The White House