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Cameras mounted on Galapagos tortoises

Scientists in the Galapagos Islands have installed cameras on the shells of giant tortoises in a study that could shed light on how they live, mate and migrate.
Image: The sole surviving giant Galapagos tortoise known as Lonesome George walks away from a pool on Santa Cruz island.
Scientists are embarking on a three-week study to learn about the giant tortoises' nocturnal behavior, reproductive cycles and migration patterns. Shown here: Galapagos tortoise Lonesome George. Teddy Garcia / Reuters
/ Source: The Associated Press

Scientists in the Galapagos Islands have installed cameras on the shells of giant tortoises in a study that could shed light on how they live, mate and migrate.

Galapagos National Park official Washington Tapia says the research project includes two tortoises in captivity and a third in the wild.

Tapia says scientists hope to learn about tortoises' nocturnal behavior, reproductive cycles and seasonal migration.

He said Friday in a park statement the three-week study may be expanded if it yields useful information.

The National Geographic Society, the Charles Darwin Foundation and Germany's Max Planck Institute are participating.

The endangered giant Galapagos tortoise is the world's largest living tortoise.