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A civilization at war

Madrid bombing is chilling news for America

The bloodbath our allies in Spain endured this week proves what I‘ve been saying all along --  we‘re a nation and a civilization at war.  Since the blasts blew up 200 people in Spain, the U.S. government has been working around the clock trying to convince anyone who will listen that this was not the work of al Qaeda or their allies.  The only problem with that is the fact that al Qaeda‘s allies are claiming credit for this barbaric execution of babies, mothers, old people and others.

Get this: The attacks were launched 2 ½ years to the day after 9/11 and they were also 911 days after the attacks on America. 

Now, for their part, the terror group claiming responsibility said they killed innocent people in Spain because they were America‘s allies, that “this is part of settling old accounts with Spain, the crusader and America‘s ally in its war against Islam.”  The Islamic terror group also promised to launch “the black winds of death” against America, saying their plans for a spectacular attack on the United States were now 90 percent complete. 

That's chilling news for Americans.  That's chilling news for the Olympics coming up next year, and it's chilling news for civilized people across the world.  Tracking down these thugs is not a police action.  It is world war.  And the sooner we realize that simple, but depressing fact, the safer we all will be. 

'The Real Deal' is a regular segment on 'Scarborough Country.' 'Scarborough Country' airs Sunday-Thursday, 10 p.m. ET.