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Hulu Launches Video Game Hub

Once you've had your fill of reruns, Hulu has something new for you. The Internet streaming entertainment company has added a video game hub to its service that includes HD trailers, release dates and reviews.
/ Source: TechNewsDaily

Once you've had your fill of reruns, Hulu has something new for you. The Internet streaming entertainment company has added a video game hub to its service that includes HD trailers, release dates and reviews.

The video launch is particularly well-timed for the holiday season, providing an easy way for kids to pick out their favorite games before writing to Santa, as well as for parents who want a better idea of what their kids are asking for. Once a viewer launches a trailer, more information such as the  age-related rating  by the Entertainment Software Rating Board and the release date is revealed by clicking on details.

For now, Hulu's video game channel is available only on its free PC-based service, but will be added to Hulu Plus (an $8 a month subscription service for tablets, smartphones and  Internet-connected TVs, including just about every device you can hook up to your TV for online viewing, Xbox 360 and Roku alike) over the next few months, Hulu's Oscar Rohena wrote in a blog post.

Hulu's video game content is set up the same as its TV episodes and movies with a homepage with promoted videos that link to individual pages. Like movie and TV pages, game pages include a synopsis, age rating and the ability to share with Facebook and Twitter, as well as to add trailers to the viewing queue. A section devoted to game reviews is provided by X Play, an established TV show that airs on cable network's G4TV and on Hulu.

This week Hulu will showcase games for the  Nintendo Wii U , a new family gaming device that combines a handheld system with TV gameplay. But not every Wii U game is as family-friendly as Nintendo's "New Super Mario Bros." Newly released titles also include "Tank! Tank! Tank!" and "Call of Duty: Black Ops II," which could quickly turn your living room into a battlefield.