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Meet the 36 politicians that would let millions go hungry

Who wants to end nutritional benefits to 2 million people? Melissa Harris-Perry names all 36 House members who voted for cuts last week.
/ Source: Melissa Harris Perry

Who wants to end nutritional benefits to 2 million people? Melissa Harris-Perry names all 36 House members who voted for cuts last week.

The House Agricultural Committee approved a farm bill May 15 that would cut $20 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the program formerly known as food stamps. These cuts would end benefits for 2 million people; most of those who benefit from SNAP are children and the elderly.

On Sunday’s Melissa Harris-Perry, the show identified all 36 Representatives who voted for the bill. Panelists then discussed the politics of food, from corporate agricultural subsidies to the racist assumptions that underpin the drive to cut Food Stamp benefits.