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9 in 10 Customers Will Switch to the Competition If You Don't Treat Them Well (Infographic)

Here's a look at customer satisfaction rates across industries and why those rates matter.
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As you obsess about the perfection of your product, make sure to obsess over your customers, too.

While the service sector dominates the economy, only 1 percent of consumers feel they "consistently" get good customer service, according to the infographic below, generated by Louisville, Ky.-based infographic-maker NowSourcing on behalf of management-software company ClickSoftware. Meanwhile, 86 percent of customers will actually agree to pay more for better customer service and 89 percent say they will switch to the competition after being treated poorly.

Related: How to Handle Negative Online Reviews

And there's lots of competition. Service-based jobs account for 4 out of 5 jobs in the U.S. and nearly 70 percent of gross domestic product.

Check it out.

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