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Clinton Library Exhibits Include Scandals

Bill Clinton's presidential library devotes one of 14 exhibit areas to scandal, explained in the context of Republican Party efforts to discredit Clinton.
/ Source: The Associated Press

Bill Clinton's presidential library devotes one of 14 exhibit areas to scandal, explained in the context of Republican Party efforts to discredit Clinton.

In a pre-opening tour of the library, media got a look at the 14 alcoves detailing different aspects of Clinton's years in the White House. His peace efforts receive twice as much space as the scandals.

"His supporters will say, 'Oh, why did you give this so much space?'" library director David Alsobrook said Wednesday. "But his detractors will come up and say, 'Dave, where is the blue dress?'"

Alsobrook was alluding to the garment produced by Monica Lewinsky during the investigation that led up to Clinton's impeachment.

The scandal exhibit, called "The Fight for Power," mentions Lewinsky by name and includes sections called "Politics of Persecution" and "A New Culture of Confrontation."

The exhibit quotes former Arkansas Sen. Dale Bumpers' defense of Clinton on the Senate floor during the impeachment hearings and has the words of former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich in opposition of Clinton.

Whitewater figure Susan McDougal is pictured in an orange jump suit while she was in custody of federal marshals during the Whitewater investigation.

"It's the way we believe history will record it. We have a point of view. I don't know if we have influence," longtime Clinton adviser Bruce Lindsey said.

Lindsey said Clinton wanted to include details of the attacks on his presidency but wanted to do so within the context of Republican efforts to "delegitimize" Clinton's tenure.

Clinton was president from 1993-2000. The library opens in Little Rock on Thursday.