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Programming notes

*** Wednesday’s “Daily Rundown” line-up: NBC’s Richard Engel with the latest on allegations of chemical weapon use in Syria and Egypt’s unrest… NBC’s Kasie Hunt with more on Cruz’s confab last night… a Deep Dive into how pro sports teams are using online tactics that the Obama campaign rode to victory with Blue State Digital’s Joe Rospars… Plus former Gov. George Pataki (R-NY),’s Joan Walsh and NY1’s Errol Louis join the Gaggle.

*** Wednesday's “MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts” line-up: MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts interviews MSNBC Policy Analyst Ezra Klein and Former GOP strategist Clint Murphy on the GOP obsession with Obamacare.   Brady Campaign President Dan Gross will discuss a renewed push on gun control in the wake of new shootings.  Former San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders will talk about pressure on Bob Filner to step down.  Think Progress Editor-in-Chief Judd Legum and Talking Points Memo Reporter Sahil Kapur will discuss a new report that NSA programs reach 75% of internet users.  And psychologist Jeff Gardere will talk about Dr. Phil’s show under fire after a controversial tweet.

*** Wednesday’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” line-up: Chris and Kathleen Matthews, filling in for Andrea Mitchell, interview former Rep. Jane Harman, Rep. Luis Guitierrez, Voto Latino's Maria Teresa Kumar, The Atlantic's Steven Clemons, The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza, NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin and Jim Miklaszewski and "Mr. Speaker" Director Dimitri Logothetis.

*** Wednesday’s “News Nation with Tamron Hall” line-up: MSNBC’s Tamron Hall interviews Rep. Eliot Engel, Michele Sigona on the latest on the Oklahoma college athlete murdered Firedog Lake's Jane Hamsher on Bradley Manning sentencing, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins and District Attorney Craig Watkins on Dallas county joining Fed lawsut against TX voter id law, and Martin Luther King Jr. III  on MLK 50 years later.