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Weather Service's Forecasts Stop Reading Like Enraged Internet Rants

Sometime overnight Tuesday, without any fanfare, the National Weather Service began publishing normal sentences like the one you're reading now.
IMAGE: Old NWS forecast
A National Weather Service forecast discussion for Boston from Tuesday.National Weather Service



It's official.

The National Weather Service has ended more than a century of idiosyncratic typographical tradition — IN WHICH FORECASTS RAN ON FOR PAGES AND PAGES IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS:

IMAGE: Old NWS forecast
A National Weather Service forecast discussion for Boston from Tuesday.National Weather Service

Sometime overnight Tuesday, without any fanfare, the agency began publishing normal sentences like the one you're reading now:

IMAGE: New NWS forecast
A National Weather Service forecast discussion for Boston from Wednesday.National Weather Service

The NWS said last month that it has been trying since the 1990s to stop writing like a furious Internet troll, but "it took the next 20 years or so for users of Weather Service products to phase out the last of the old equipment that would only recognize teletype."

It's not the first time the NWS' dry, staccato discussions have made news. During the federal budget shutdown of 2013, a forecaster at the agency's Anchorage, Alaska, office sent out a forecast with a hidden message in the first paragraph: PLEASE PAY US.

IMAGE: 2013 NWS hidden message
A National Weather Service forecaster hid message in the first paragraph of a forecast discussion during the 2013 budget shutdown: PLEASE PAY US.National Weather Service