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Aleppo Girl Elaph, 2, Can't Play Outside Because of Snipers

Elaph Bijo, 2, wants to become a teacher like her mother — but she's at risk from snipers if she leaves the house.
Image: Elaph Bijo, 2, likes to play with the family chickens but it's too dangerous for her to go outside.
Elaph Bijo, 2, likes to play with the family chickens but it's too dangerous for her to go outside.IBRAHEM ALHAJ

Elaph Bijo is only 2 years old but already knows it’s too dangerous for her to play in the street. She says her mother forbids it, for fear of snipers. Instead, she stays inside her half-destroyed house, along with her six siblings and parents. She says she hopes to be a teacher one day, like her mom.