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Could This Clever Cigarette Design Help You Quit Smoking?

A designer studied smokers’ habits and distilled that information into products that would help them approach quitting with a little humor and fun.
Like dieting, it’s not so much a matter of what you smoke, but how much you smoke. These cigarettes are perforated so they easily snap in the middle. This means less tobacco for you and your partner in crime every time you smoke.
Like dieting, it’s not so much a matter of what you smoke, but how much you smoke. These cigarettes are perforated so they easily snap in the middle. This means less tobacco for you and your partner in crime every time you smoke.YI WEN-TSENG

Quitting smoking cold turkey is admirable, but also extremely hard — which is why we have all sorts of things that attempt to slowly wean us off cigarettes, from patches to gum to hypnosis. And now, here come redesigned cigarettes.

Image: Every cigarette in this pack has a filter of varying lengths. You can play Russian roulette with your smoking habit and grab at random.
Every cigarette in this pack has a filter of varying lengths. You can play Russian roulette with your smoking habit and grab at random.YI WEN-TSENG