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Nora Device Claims to Stop Your Snoring Wirelessly

A new gadget called the Nora claims to solve the snoring problem non-invasively and without fiddling with your natural sleep position or cycle.
Smart Nora

A snoring partner can be a real strain on a relationship, and poor sleep is bad for everyone's health. But solutions are elusive, ranging from special pillows to nose clips and even surgery. A new gadget called the Nora claims to solve the snoring problem non-invasively and without fiddling with your natural sleep position or cycle.

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It works by listening for snoring with a wireless microphone placed in the room. When it detects the nasal tones of a snore, a signal is sent to a padded strip that's been inserted under your pillow. This strip inflates slightly on one side (no motors or hinges), tilting the snorer's head without waking him or her up — which theoretically should open up the person's airways enough to stop the snoring.

Smart Nora

The microphone also keeps a record of your snores, accessible via the companion app, so you can track snoring behavior or even replay it for a doctor to see if it indicates a more serious respiratory problem.

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Of course, there are caveats that apply for a device like this: it hasn't been publicly reviewed and the creators are asking for your money before that happens. But if you're willing to take the risk, and the idea makes sense to you as a snorer or someone who sleeps next to one, you can pre-order a Nora for $180 while early bird supplies last — it'll cost $300 once it hits retail.