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Vroom! Samsung tests 5G speed for phones  

Samsung Galaxy phone

While most carriers are still expanding their 4G LTE coverage across the United States, development of 5G technology is well underway. Samsung has successfully tested its 5G platform and aims to launch the next-generation mobile network by 2020.

Samsung recently transferred data at a rate of 1 Gbps via the 28 GHz frequency band, using 64 antenna elements to complete the test, Korean newspaper YonHapNews reported. Although the network is still in its testing phase, users will eventually be able to download an entire movie in less than a second. Specifically, the 5G mobile network will boast download and upload speeds of up to 10 Gbps.

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Today's 4G LTE networks average 5 to 12 Mbps downloads and 2 to 5 Mbps uploads. Verizon Wireless leads the way with more than 491 markets, while AT&T covers 222 markets and counting. Sprint has 88 markets under its belt and T-Mobile has covered only 7 cities thus far, though the carrier promises to reach 100 million people by the end of June.

Between now and 5G deployment wireless users should see the launch of 4G LTE Advanced, which includes carrier aggregation technology. According to Fierce Wireless, carrier aggregation will bond non-contiguous spectrum bands into a single, wider channel, resulting in faster speeds. T-Mobile claims that it's at the forefront of LTE Advanced because the equipment the carrier is installing now can support the new standard.

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard whispers of 5G in the works, but it’s just another indication that the next generation of mobile technology is taking shape. In December, Japanese carrier NTT DoCoMo successfully conducted a 10 Gbps wireless test in Ishigaki while working with the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Broadcom announced its 5G Wi-Fi chip more than a year ago back in January 2012.

viaYonHap News