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Why 3 p.m. is the worst, and what to do about it

East Coasters know what we're talking about: It's 3 p.m., and despite your ever-growing, never-shrinking to-do list, all you want to do is curl up in a ball and nap under your desk. But it'll come for you soon enough, West Coasters -- the 3 o'clock crash hits all of us, as Bahar Takhtehchian of Shape magazine explained to Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb on TODAY this morning.

Here are Takhtehchian's tips:

Move it! Try swapping out your desk chair for a stability ball, or do a couple of bicep curls. (No, really.) The physical activity will wake up your body and your brain.

Avoid a sugary snack. It'll just make you more tired. Instead, try fresh fruit, some low-fat cheese or applesauce.

Stay hydrated. This means stay away from coffee or other caffeinated beverages, which will provide a quick energy boost, and then you'll crash. Plus, the caffeine will dehydrate you. Gulp down water or caffeine-free tea instead.

Watch the video for more ideas. How do you beat the 3 p.m. slump? Leave a comment with your secrets.