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‘Man maps’ coming to a city near you

When ladies go after a guy, it’s not always about the money. But let’s be honest, sometimes it is.  Now there’s a way to help them. It’s like a map of millionaires and if she finds the right guy, Ka-ching! By CNBC's Diana Olik
/ Source: CNBC

This is one even the writers of "Sex in the City" couldn’t dream up – a map to find sex in the city, with rich guys. That’s right, it’s real estate meets Mr. Right in the form of online “man maps.”

It’s the brainchild of a single New York City publicist Kelly Kreth, who represents an online real estate firm called

“I had asked the founder of Property Shark if he would construct a map with all his city-centric data of where all the rich single men are so I could find a date,” said Kreth.

Property Shark’s day job is to offer real estate professionals data on commercial and residential properties. But, combining those powers with census data, it found something else. So founder Ryan Slack created a new option, man maps of major cities. Dark red "$$$" means you’re in the men money. (If it’s written in white, it’s wed locked.)

“These maps are ideal if you’re looking where to go on a Sunday morning, these maps target where people live, not where they work,” said Slack.

Kelly used the maps, found a rich, single guy and dated him for a while. But, there was a catch to her catch.

“The problem with the map is it doesn’t take into account if the guy’s a jerk or not,” said Kreth.

It also doesn’t take into account if he’s in a relationship, living together or gay. Still Property Shark is hoping that these free man maps will drive word of mouth and business to its more mainstream services.

Property Shark will be rolling out man maps across the country, they’re even offering a few women maps.