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Airing Dateline NBC on Friday, Dec. 21

Airing Dateline NBC on Dec. 21

9:00p.m. ET / 8:00 Central
When Amanda Knox, the 20-year-old American language student from Seattle, went abroad to Perugia this fall no one from home ever imagined the seemingly sweet and innocent girl would end up being a main suspect in the unimaginable murder of her English roommate, Meredith Kercher. Mystery continues to swirl around this horrific tale of drugs and group sex, and as Knox continues to make headlines, "Dateline's" Dennis Murphy and ex-FBI profiler and NBC analyst Clint Van Zandt travel to the Italian hillside north of Rome to help untangle the conflicting stories and interpret the crime-scene evidence not yet reported on. Additionally, Murphy interviews one of the other suspects in the case, Patrick Lumumba.

10:00pm ET / 9:00 Central
Hoda Kotb sits down with the man at the center of a mystery making national news – Drew Peterson. Peterson talks in-depth about the disappearance of his young wife, Stacy, which took place almost two months ago, and the death of his previous wife, Kathy.